I know it's counterintuitive to want a sponsor but without one it looks like either a much cheaper training kit or a market stall knock-off with an iron on badge. The home kit looks quite nice without a sponsor but knowing it's supposed to have one and that the team will presumably have one then without it it looks like a nice t-shirt bit a first team kit. Why is the sponsor linked to the **** up? Well surely the lack of a sponsor is the only reason the club wouldn't reveal what the shirt looked like months ago.
So you think it's right for our club and good customer service to charge fans who have been super loyal in the past few very challenging years £48 for something just because we wanted to see what it looked like first? Personally I think the club should still allow the money off vouchers. I would go as far as to say even Conman wouldn't have done this.
I am more than open to criticising the club for things this summer. I think I do it more than most on here and okay its not popular with some but so be it. On the shirt offer. It was what it was. Was it a complete surprise so far? No. The tiles were designed to look like the shirt.
Not sure why you aren't grasping this concept, but there was no gamble; there's no reason why you couldn't have ordered it and said I don't like it, I'll pass thanks and get your money back. As well as being something fans asked for, it also gives the club money up front and the discount associated with a bigger and more accurate initial order. You've seen discounts for committing early with your season ticket and this is no different. Again, we've seen criticisms in the past where they have underordered. It shouldn't be too difficult to fathom this out, but you and @DannyWilsonLovechild seem to be struggling a bit.
Ahh I used to goto 'The Computer Store' in Wakey in the 80s, for those £2.99 and £3.99 cassette games for the Amstrad 464.
No struggle at all. Indeed, you seem to be struggling why multiple fans that you are charged to represent have been less than happy with the bizarre approach that was introduced.
Its only bizarre in your ever growing quest to find an angle to be negative about anything and everything the club does. Being outraged on behalf of other people. Im not aware of anyone raising this issue with the Supporters Trust or the club and if they did its not too difficult to explain there wasn't a gamble being made, the reason the offer was made and how a larger initial order can mean a better price and that demand can be predicted more accurately. Most reasonable fans would understand and accept this.
One thing though. Haven't we been told previously that the orders for shirts go in almost a year ago? I think I remember September being mentioned. If that's the case then how does shirts being bought by fans in April this year mean a bigger order can go in and a better price be negotiated?
You’re confusing shirt design with shirt orders buddy. It will have been me, no doubt, who once explained that designs for the shirts are chosen super early.
For once I don't think it was you. I remember a discussion where someone or some people said the kits were ordered really early. It was when complaining that the club had run out of shirts in July and the answer was (apparently) that it's because shirts were ordered in autumn the previous year so small orders were placed not knowing what league we'd be in etc. It may have been you but I don't think so.
I think you’re right on this one. We’ve always been led to believe that the order is placed so far in advance it makes it difficult for the club to predict the split of sizes, how many, etc. and makes it difficult to just order more once out of stock as it takes a minimum of 12 weeks. Which makes sense based on the part of the world they come from. Anyone who orders Christmas decorations for anyone corporate will know it’s a May order for a November delivery. Also, if the earlier post about £7 profit is true then no wonder we go out of stock eventually because you’d not want to be sat on much at the end of the season with those margins.
That £7 profit just can't be true in my opinion. No company would operate on such small profit margins and the post Christmas sale would make no sense because it would mean the club loses huge amounts of money on every sale.
Agreed. Plus lost £1 on every season ticket holder who are ordered. Football shirts just be one of the easiest items of clothing to make surely?
Liverpool only make £10 per shirt that they sell, so wouldn’t be surprised to hear the figure is not far off the mark TBH.