Just something for the club to consider should we not get a sponsor for the front of the shirt... Why not approach local printers to see if they would offer their services for free or at least at cost and have Barnsley Hospice, Western Park Cancer or some other worthy local charity advertised to help bring awareness to their cause. Surely that's better than a blank shirt and at the same time gives something from the club to the community.
I don't see how sticking Weston Park on the shirt would result in more money going to charity compared to just having collection buckets on the gate. Seems like a lot of energy but with very little end product.
I don't think that necessarily translates into extra income for the charity. Why would someone from Plymouth, Cheltenham or Derby see Weston Park on the shirt, look them up and then donate, instead of donating to a charity more local to them? The printer might as well just make a donation of their expected costs and the charity would be better off.
probably not but not everyone in Barnsley supports Barnsley or even likes football but it may put the charity in their mind.
I was talking about this yesterday. I don't reckon that CK Beckett ,(might be wrong) earned anymore coin from been the shirt sponsor?!? It's a brilliant gift to the club and community. There's some financial boffs on here so I'd like to ask them something. What are the business benefits regards tax etc on forking out a good few grand to be a shirt sponsor? Or is it a non business related 'gift'? But I agree. I'd rather have a charity name on than a blank one. Think it'd be a fantastic gesture.
Poor idea to take away one of our best income streams. More so at a time we are that skint we aren't paying fees for players.
If they don't watch Barnsley then the impact will be limited. Granted seeing a few thousand Barnsley fans wearing the top in town might raise limited awareness, I don't see how that translates into any real increase in revenue for the charity. If the club wants to support a charity then a collection on the gate would be much more effective.
I see what you are saying Skryptic, what I would say is that the exposure comes from photos in newspapers, websites,replays of action on various media platforms. Just the same as for a business sponsor. It wouldn't necessarily increase income for the charities,just give a little bit more exposure. I'm not convinced sponsoring shirts of small clubs like us,brings any gain to the company, it seems to be done by people who are fans,who have a business. I will no doubt be proven wrong in my assumption, which is fine.
Might as well have sailor Sid's or pats for pants on it ! I find it weird that we still have not found a sponsor! Are we asking too much?