You can read the article here and I suggest everyone does.
Because they'll offer a tax cut, point to Brexit being done and spout some twisted stats about crime and a sufficient proportion of people will fall for it. Again.
Thing is not even surprised anymore. Now making the Thatcher era look positively reasonable. But corbyn though
I'm a lawyer and I would not piss on Suella Braverman if she were on fire and allergic to piss. She's a disgrace to the profession.
Who needs the rule of law and separation of powers anyway? This lot are a ******* disgrace. Not only are they wrong they're ******* dangerous and if you voted for them or are thinking of voting for them next time because you don't like brown people or like brexit, or dislike trans people or inexplicably think Labour are somehow worse (and I admit they've offered largely ineffective opposition) then ******* think again. They're not only bad at governing but they're trying to erode the fundamental principles of enlightened democracy. I'd literally rather elect Hemmsy than this lot.
On the subject of people continuing to fall for the ********... My mate came over to stay last week. Turned up at the airport with the Daily Mail tucked under his arm. Three years ago he was telling me he liked Boris, he had character and energy. I told him it was well known that Boris was a lying, moralty free w***er. He now agrees, thinks Brexit is a shambles but he STILL reads the f****ing Mail. Beggars belief. He trotted out the line that there was now more foreigners in the UK than British. I lost my temper and told him he was talking b****cks. When challenged his answer was, "Well I don't know". He's an intelligent bloke. The capacity of some folk to be so lazy that they keep reading and swallowing the crap peddled by the Mail, Express etc when it's been shown to them to be outright lies and misrepresentation is frightening. No doubt the Mail is telling him how Suella is bang on about this.
The whole purpose of right wing propaganda is purely . To divide and conquer, and its been working for years. Working class voting tory . Fear and prejudice ,blame the scroungers milking the system for pounds and not the multi millionaire companies de frauding tax to the tune of millions cost their mates are in power.
Intelligent enough to have held down a very good job and set himself up for life. It's just lazy thinking and an unwillingness to check what he's being told. Very frustrating and annoying. He's a genuinely nice guy, very generous but I lost my rag a couple of times with him.
I know quite a few like that. And we have very heated exchanges. Ok. you may say intelligent. But ignorant or in complete denial of the facts. Which were not exactly hidden. (Shows a lack of understanding) A bit like Boris's cabinet. Till the knives were stuck in. This is why no one should even dream of putting this lot in power at the next election. Supporting boris to the hilt on every issue. When it was blindingly obvious to everyone what a liar he has always been. It's a wonder he can even reach the end of his nose.
Aye' the old "what if Corbyn had been in power" arguement' the go to statement for every tory supporter that has absolutely nothing to come back with' completely moot point of course..