After much deliberation and post feelings after watching that utter shambles of a performance, I’ve decided not renew! My money is going in the corner pin !
Completely disagree with this; financial pressures on people are ridiculous at the moment and watching us lose, or scrape draws every week isn’t entertaining at all. Money can and will be spent elsewhere. At a bare minimum the players need to try and compete. You can be a happy clapper all you want but don’t expect others to be
cost of living crisis people will be choosing beating heating and eating so have a word with yourself.
That must be the most woke and childish comment I’ve ever read ! Literally laughing that much, I had to get my inhaler !
people who say ‘woke’ actually mean people who give a **** about other people and condemn it because they are selfish pricks.
There's a difference between not being able to afford it due to financial troubles, and mentioning every other day how bad the club is and youre not doing this and that with it - in no way would I think lesser of a supporter if they can't afford to go. Even if you choose not to go, fair enough. The problem I have is with seeing posts nearly every day about the same he's choosing not to because we're playing poorly. We dont need reminding every 2 minutes. Apologies if it seemed I was having a dig at anyone else in that way, wasn't intended to sound like that
Ah you tossed the word "woke" in as an insult, you're obviously a Tory, Brexit voting gobshiet and consequently not worth the effort of typing this message. Bugger, I typed it.
I’m a labour voting party member pal ! My house is covered in labour stickers . In fact I’ve a Jeremy Corbyn poster on front living room wall !