However Khaled, under the current board have failed to even get a sponsor on our shirt for the first time in my lifetime and have failed to address what were key weaknesses in the team last season other than to sell the better players from those positions. But it's all Conway's fault right? Khaled is still the worst performing CEO I've ever seen. Neerav, Jean, Julie etc have gone as silent now as they did after the first press conference nearly 5 years ago
Yup, the dodgy pyramid scheme which collapsed before the campaign started. We were well into the season before Ora became our sponsor.
Then there's Big Thing who went bust quite early into or even before the season started. Did they ever even trade?
We didn't have a sponsor or home shirt for sale till well into September in the 1991/92 season under Dennis either if my memory serves me correctly..........sithi.
We did have a sponsor though but they'd been removed from the shirts as opposed to this situation where we simply don't have one. It's a bit of a different situation to have a sponsor that is found to be an illegal business and so has to be removed after being announced than it is to not manage to get a sponsor announced at all.
Of course, but you also remember it as having FPW announced and shirts made during close season before they were found to be illegal and collapsed right?
Yep, spot on. The Shaw Carpets deal had ended and it was into September as I remember before we had Hayselden VW on the shirts. (Admittedly the season started a bit later in August back then I think). The 94/95 season saw us without a sponsor on the shirt until into October and the start of the Malcolm Hanson involvement via ORA Mobile Phone Accessories. (EDIT - 94/95 Was well into November before ORA appeared).
I Its because again 7000 fans have been pillocked into investing their hard earned ! The llast month as been been nothing but a full on charm offensive. It’s worked and now we will hear nothing! The club is in a mess and it won’t be long before Duff realises it!
I'd rather a decent football team don't give a toss about a sponsor on the shirt infact shirts are better without one
I'm not convinced that the lack of a shirt sponsor is all Khaled's fault. The economy is in freefall and many businesses are struggling. I doubt too many of them want to chuck money in the club's direction in order to put their name on the shirt. Especially now that our profile has been reduced by the drop to League One.
I sort of wonder if the there was agreement with the new sponsor to allow the Charity to be the sponsor for the first game to tie in with the bike ride and the new one will be announced this week. (No knowledge about this and a total guess).