Shocked we've won a major tournament and the highlights aren't on TV later like they would be for the men.
So today we've won a major tournament AND I've learned that lions and tigers are on different continents. A good day all round
Today I learned that most lions and tigers are on different continents. Apart from Asiatic Lions of course
& that tigers are not female lions with a taste for tacky tiger stripes.. Which would be total bo11ocks anyway, as everyone knows in the animal kingdom, the male of the species is pretty much always the more snazzy dresser. Apparently half the nation's kids don't know where milk comes from, with Tescos being a popular response. True, that..
Poor Prince William in the crowd. He missed the equaliser as he went to the toilet and got the shock of his life when he was told they were level pegging.
Brilliant just got a message from the Austrian manager of the company I do my work for congratulating England - I think he might have been supporting whoever was playing against the Germans . He had watched the game and was pleased we won and thought we deserved it
What a night! I've had loads of congratulationary messages from magnanimous German friends (and from my wife) saying we deserved it, well played, etc etc. I read them all with smug satisfaction. Well done ladies, you deserve all the praise you're getting, a fantastic night!
So a question for you and @JamDrop Where do Ligers come from if lions and tigers are from different continents
They are going to have to make a new episode of the lion king. Where all the female lions take the mick out of Simba, and the other males.
Just got back - what a game/ occasion. Those players deserve all the accolades. They never give up. Brilliant. To see a full Wembley with 90% of fans cheering on England is something I’ll never forget. Yes there’s probably still something missing in terms of football chants, but there’s also plenty missing in terms of pissed up moronic, aggressive behaviour. Such a great atmosphere. Top notch day out. Great day to be a woman involved in football.
Looked a fantastic thing to be involved in and something as English football fans all should be proud of. I sponser a local girls team so know quite a few went with their parents, what a fantastic experience for a teenager to be part of. Watched an interview after game with couple of German players and both those remarked about the stadium, fans, atmosphere etc and how much it would do for the Womens game in general. Brilliant and well done to all those who were there and contributed to it.
@Mr C is your guy for that. My contribution was that a female lion isn’t a tiger. I imagine zoos play their part though and something about Asiatic lions and Bengal tigers.