Evening, my wife has recently lost her father god rest his soul and she’s trying to locate his funeral insurance policy, she’s pretty certain it’s with a said company but they are unable to assist without her writing to them which can take 6-8 weeks to reply, has anyone been in a similar situation to this, if so could you let me know how you went on and what channels your went down. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
I assume he didn’t do the policy through a broker, but it may be worth calling into a Brokers office and just ask for some advice. They may not get any financial gain but will surely help in giving free advice.
First of all, condolences to your wife and your good self. Secondly, I can't really help as both my late Father & Mother made sure everyone knew where the appropriate policies were kept.
We’re awaiting an answer from his pension man to see if he can shed any light on things but she’s fairly confident he sorted a separate policy out some years ago, there’s a few awe idea where you pay a fee and they can tell you what policies, accounts etc have been or are in place so that may the next port of call........sometimes the BBS for all its barmy tit for tat disagreements is a good way of gaining information from others
Sincere condolences. If, like many funeral plans, it was a monthly premium, a quick check of their bank statement should help determine the provider.
The problem is I think he stopped paying this a good few years ago so the bank would most likely have to do some file digging to see if they can locate who and when he was making these payments
Everything seems to take so long these days, my wife still hasn't had her passport application approved yet after 6 weeks. I got mine last week but I assume the delay is because she took my surname when we got married in March - we still haven't had the marriage certificate back yet so had to get a copy. Hope you get it sorted soon mate.
not sure how much help, but our lass is a funeral celebrant and suggested a few things... 1. speak to the funeral director about it. they should be able to help 2. contact the company and just ask them to confirm if a policy exists in that name. they should be able to confirm that at least, before you write to them 3. GDPR does not apply to deceased people, if they give you that line hope things turn out ok. it's a ballache.
Went through this last year with my Mother. We were lucky enough to find the Bank payments but had no other details. We rang them and over the phone they were able to confirm there was a policy but wouldn’t reveal details, we emailed them as requested and was resolved within 2 weeks. They had to have copy of Funeral directors and copy of costs and they paid direct only. For what it’s worth the FD also said not to worry about monies as they knew it existed and it would get paid in due course.
Sorry for your loss but this highlights what is a taboo subject death is I plucked the courage to have a conversation with my late dad I said we only need to do it once but I need to no where all the saving are and any relevant policy's and what he wanted to happen at his funeral, made it a whole lot easier when the time came.
Did you know that Lions and tigers are on separate continents? Apart from Asiatic lions of course. Can't help you at all but I hope your wife is holding up ok and that you get an answer soon to at least try to reduce her stress a little.
Condolences on your loss as for the policy if it was a whole life policy that stipulated being paid until the end it may have lapsed when he stopped paying it. Hope fully if it did have a date written in where payment did finish it should still be in force in some one's safe.
Hi mate, was this a funeral plan rather than life policy then? Just checking as both are mentioned. I'm qualified in giving advice/dealing with life insurance but we don't do funeral plans, that's all. If it's a life policy then in most circumstances it needs to be paid until death for it to be valid. Funeral plans I don't know but I'd guess once you'd put enough in you could stop paying; but I could be wrong. Condolences for your loss of course.
Condolences to your family I think I’m right in saying whilst some funeral plans are a monthly continual payment most are fixed cost so he may have paid in instalments until it was paid off so the bank option might be best . I know my in-laws have funeral plans paid for in that way
My ex died a couple of years back. Im in Ireland so I'm not sure if it works the same way, but before you do anything else, request several copies of the death certificate from coroner/ GP, whoever. I found when trying to sort official stuff out, even after writing to them, no one would give me the time of day without it. Makes sense, but it was just something I hadn't thought of and no one mentioned at the begining. After that, I would present that to the insurance company, tell them you know he had a policy but you don't have it, ask them to confirm it exists. Then ask them how to proceed...they may need you to put them in touch with the executor of the will, or your father in laws solicitor ( if he had one, it's a good place to check for documents first).Finally, it took me ages to get everything sorted with them, I hope it goes easier with you. I'm sorry for your troubles.
My uncle died in England a few weeks back and last I heard his wife was having great difficulties getting his personal savings from the bank. It was in his name only and even on production of death certificate and marriage certificate bank still dragging their heels. BTW please accept my sincere condolences with your sad loss.
Sincere condolance. Was it a Funeral Plan or Funeral Insurance your late father-in-law took out. Two different things. If Insurance you need to check that the payments were up to date and the policy hasn't lapsed. Maybe bank statements could help or there may be a reference in his will to Insurances.