I wanted to make sure if I made a trip today that the shirts are still u sponsored. All their stock as of now doesn’t have the sponsor but in 2 weeks time it all will have that awful logo and colour scheme all over it, and yes! That is the logo and design they’re using and those colours too. Oh and it will be that size on the shirt. so if you do want it without that monstrosity printed all over it, get it within the next 2 weeks.
A shirt with Hex on it will end up being a collector's item. A bit like Crypto currency.... limited and therefore it's value will rise by 38% by the end of the season. I guarantee it. Don't hesitate. Wade in.
It must be within the rules somehow as the guy who was involved in sponsoring us tweeted this: So he obviously took the guidelines into account.
This could be the lowest number of shirt sales since they started selling replica kits. I only buy one every now and then anyway but would certainly NOT buy one this season. I don't like football shirts sponsored by companies like this, or betting organisations, and I don't like the excessive design. I wonder how many more will keep their money in their pockets this season, for similar reasons?
If it's to be believed though a lot of these people will be buying one instead. From what I've seen a lot of them are cultish enough in their devotion to actually do so.
Depends on you interpretation of the rules I guess. The design must cover an area no greater than 250 square centimeters. If a square/rectangle was drawn around the design then it looks bigger than 250 square cm to me. I don't claim to be the world's greatest estimator, but it looks way bigger. To the point that I have no problem estimating that it's not even close to being within the restriction. But if an irregular shape was drawn around it, just so it incorporates the design elements, is that smaller than 250 square cm? Dunno, could be I suppose.
Me for a start - Im sticking with my "The Investment Room " shirt for this season at least definitely not getting a Hex one for 2 reasons most important I dont want to advertise a Ponzi scheme, but also it looks awful
The irregular shape idea doesnt really work either though if you split it into lettering and the logo - not sure if thats valid mind Using this picture of Brad Collins to scale and assuming as he has his legs slightly bent and is actually 180cm tall rather than his official 184cm The lettering is approx 3.5cm x 20cm = 70cm2 so far so good Then you have the logo itself which is a hexagon - the sides are approx 11cm long which assuming a regular hexagon is a size of 315cm2 so the picture alone is well above the permitted size - or is the wording treated seperately and its only the actual picture that has to be less than 250cm2 - if so if I underestimated and the sides are in fact only 9.8cm long then it would just be exactly 250cm2 so it might just work - the sides look bigger than that to me
Here's the guide https://www.thefa.com/-/media/files.../2022-23/kit-and-advertising-regulations.ashx Page 12 (or page 289 as it's a section from a larger publication) makes the issue of whether you have to use regular or irregular geometric shapes when calculating the area as clear as mud. Both the name and the logo have to be within the 250 cm though. Otherwise all sponsors would use a relatively small logo and huge name.
Thanks for that - in that case there is no way that it fits the 250cm limit no matter how you draw the lines - I would interperet it as the area bounded by the red line but even if you can make the cut outs in blue its going to be around double the permitted max area