Posted on another thread but perhaps fits better here. Sorry for duplication. Quick question. There are a lot of people who want the club to show strong principles in boycotting Hex even if it is detrimental to us. would the same people show strong principles in boycotting some games if the club stays with Hex. Just wondered if there is any hypocrisy in the stance. Just a question.
Right now? No. I'm prepared to give the club and the sponsor time to investigate and see how things go. If we continue to see the kinds of comments we have been doing (homophobia, anti-Semitism etc) and the club refuses to take a firm stance or cancel the sponsorship then I think I will. It probably won't make a difference unless enough people do it and it's an organised thing but I'm not happy with what's happening.
I think this is the worst sponsorship deal ever. I cannot support a club that has a ponzi scheme on it's shirt. Pretty simple from me. Willing to support the new manager & the club, but whilst this is in place I will be absent.
There's only one that surprises me. A few that really don't given their posting history especially the new Youngnudger mark II.
Someone tell me I'm wrong here. Taking all the disgusting comments of certain individuals to one side and concentrating purely on the fact that Hex is almost certainly a scam/Ponzi style scheme. Is that alone not sufficient to want nothing to do with them?
If you’re a professional fence sitter (and I have been accused of this before) I can understand you not objecting to a sponsorship deal because some people associated with it a horrific pieces of excrement. I would expect most reasonable people to change their mind if it’s proven. I’ve hedged my bets and taken the view that whether they are or not it damaging the reputation of the club and offending our fans.
Great that the person seemingly that’s put themselves in top position to talk to the club about supporters grievances on this matter has no reservations whatsoever, not even disliking the literal Nazis behind the deal. Great stuff.
I'll be interested to see if the team and therefore the club take to the pitch tonight again endorsing hex.