Get hex mob to donate cash for a new scoreboard and some toilet block s to put in trough’s in west stand bogs
I disagree. He wasn’t banned for his controversial opinions about football. He was banned for justifying and excusing antisemitism and comparing it to name calling on an online game.
A forum doesn't have a duty of care. His friends, family and medical professionals should be looking out for him. He's had enough chances on here. Now he's hopefully gone for good and if people want to still see what he has to say sign up to Tykes Mad.
Why are people quoting that he must be mentally unwell and need professional help. I find that side of the argument distasteful.
I agree. However this is how he was perceived by some people and as a result he became a target for bullying. (check how many others have been banned in the last year!)
I saw a few months ago that Phil Hemsy guy was accused of being 'Higgy' on there. He strenuously denied it, but Young Nudge appeared to be having not of it. And it looks like he's sticking with that in his reply. The plot thickens. It's funny to think these are all grown men sometimes.
The comments made are poor and not needed but if every fan looked at there sponsors they’d all find some dirt on them, wether that be recent or years gone by!!! Would you be happy to have a sponsor that promotes gambling or boozing which claims thousands of life’s every year?? The main problem here is that it’s another stick to beat the club with and helps with pushing people’s agendas against the club!!!
He could start with the truth. He claims it is important to recognise that the homophobic comments are by two people who are "not associated with or the Hex and Barnsley FC sponsorship deal". The reason that this homophobia has become public knowledge is that Brent Morrissey personally thanked those that made these homophobic comments for making the deal possible. It was him who alerted BFC fans to who was involved in the deal. He has since deleted that Tweet and, as we can see from his statement, lied about their involvement. And let's get this out in the open: gratuitous claims of wealth and how generous you are to charities are not, ABSOLUTELY NOT, attributes we find endearing. They're sickening. There's plenty of wealthy people in Barnsley, there are plenty of people who give loads to charity, whether they are wealthy or not, and you just shut up about it. Because braggarts are just about the worst kind of person we ever encounter. As he's proving beyond any reasonable doubt.
Draw up a list of these beating the club? Get to bed and come back to tomorrow with a list of club sponsors worse than these chancers?
Let’s stone him to death then n ev done with it!! As for the donation, just about every company let it be common knowledge they donate........we now live in a world where unsavoury comments are made and it’s sad really but how do you punish every verbal error that’s made??