Good night Princess.......guess what? I’ll be losing zero fuking sleep about something I can’t alter.......... Ta Ta flower X
I don't think I've mentioned stoning anyone to death. And as for a 'verbal error', I'll let you explain to this forum why you're attempting to absolve someone of this. I don't have to do any explaining for my comments, but I think you do.
There’s is a section of people on here who often do this kind of thing . I didn’t agree with what he said at all, but the way he’s been attacked is disgraceful. These people have the audacity to criticise tykesmad. That board is far more friendly than this one
I'll tell you why I left tykesmad years ago. It was littered with out and out racist comments. Mainly instigated by a guy called Guntery but backed up by a good number of others. It got to the point where I got sick to the stomach of it and left to come here. I, for one, don't want to see this board go the same way. There's no barbed wire around this place. You're here by choice. You could be on Tykesmad by choice. It's entirely up to you.
I said it was more friendly, I did not say it was perfect and I agree, there is that element, However there is not, in my experience, the aggressive, pack of wolves type that hound , belittle and use out right bullying tactics , that some posters on here subject members to . I’ve had it, not to the extent that higgy as, but it’s there and it’s usually the same posters.
There’s an element of truth to this, but the irony is off the charts. You displayed some of these exact same traits and behaviours during the ‘Conway Out’ era towards me.
In the main on here, if you are respectful to others most people will have a respectful discussion with you. Also in general the majority of posters on here are not angry teenagers and there is a broad sweep of all kinds of knowledge across almost every subject. I like that fact that people will call out racists, homophobes, conspiracy theorists, nazi sympathisers, antisemites and wind up merchants. If people were as forthright in real life the world would be a better place.
There's nothing stopping you posting on there if you don't like it here. If you behave like a knob - as you tend to do intentionally to get a rise- then don't be shocked if you're not made to feel welcome. You can't have your cake and eat it. Whilst I agree that some have taken it too far at times with Hemmsy, some of us have tried to hint that there is more to it than on the surface and have had concern for his welfare. That isn't speculation, it is true.
I think the posters on here will challenge your opinions if it becomes a bit risqué and ask you to clarify them. It might be a bit daunting when a few pounce at once. Just take a deep breath and explain yourself but do it with an open mind and the majority of posters will try and educate you.
If that reply was to me then I'd say this. I've managed people with Higgy's supposed issues before. They weren't good at expressing themselves at times but never made comments as objectionable as he has on here. There is NO excuse for some of what he posted. I get you get animosity from people on here including me well, I don't like right wing views and yes, you can vote Labour as you profess to do but still have right wing views. Not seeing a problem with a financial scam suggests more of a Capitalist view than a Socialist one for a start. You also make a stream of attention seeking, BIG I AM type comments. Carry on with that if you like but don't expect everyone to be eating out of your hand.
Here we go ! What as socialism and capitalism got to do with my post ? Your initial sentence saying that you have managed people like higgy got my tail up straight away . Management are the root of many failures in today’s businesses and services such as the NHS . I’ve worked for many companies that had god awful people at the mid top that bullied staff. There was a reason why the managed ! I’m neither a socialist or capitalist. Also, I don’t think I’m the big I am, and I’m far from attention seeking . just to add, it was not aimed at you.
I think you make a decent slapstick comedian in the light hearted posts. I even enjoy reading your comments about players and the club. You're eccentric and I take you with a pinch of salt. Same with Higgy but I don't really read his posts as he just tends to post the opposite of whatever anyone in the discussion posts. I think deep down he may share certain views but chooses to argue for the sake of it.