Nearly everyone has a supervisor. What's to get your tail up about that? I did work for the NHS in actual fact. We were one of the top 5% performing businesses in our sector with performance statistics almost off the charts until the lovely Tories decided to privatise it and performance went south. On the Socialist/ Capitalist issue you were claiming the other week what a big Labour supporter you are. Or was that b********cks. It falls into line with your habit of shooting your mouth off. You seem to be trying to take nudger's crown to be honest. Anyway, I'll try to ignore as many of your posts as I can.
for information, this is the post which personally thanked kuqicouture for helping get the deal done. he then joined him in a QA session, days later
The Brent guy hasn't done a Q&A. That was set up by a YouTube broadcaster who has nothing to do with it, and one of the guests was one of the names listed. The Kuqi guy was just in the chat.
That’s the response I expected . I don’t vote pal. I’m not interested in any party, they don’t represent me or my family . I find the whole idea of us against them, boring and tedious . Whatever the rosette colour, they all shaft the working man one way or the other. You on the other hand are one of those people who get so irate about the tories, that it is just silly and a waste of time on your part . Don’t read my posts, it’s no loss on my behalf . Good luck and good health to you
From what I can gather the club might not get any money from Hex unless the Hex community come together and donate. Hardly grounds for a successful sponsorship deal.
Looks like this Brent Morrissey fronts a Hex company (HEXfortress Ltd) registered in Estonia* HEXfortress OÜ 16274337 ( * maybe a tad ironic given his views on the EU
Is the money based on how many Hexicans were conned to donate? I mean could that have been an indiscriminate amount of money?
fair dos, my mistake. there is absolutely no getting away from Brent's direct affiliation with kuqicouture on this though.
No. Not at all. That tweet needs it's own clarification and explanation. Important we stay factual on our side though and don't let things become something they weren't.
This is the norm for people on the populist right. Say something vile or endorse it (whether explicit or vague). Deny it ever happened. When evidence is shown, blur, conflate and distort (however ludicrous or unlikely) what happened, then finally if all else fails, attack, belittle, condescend and abuse. It's a well trodden path now sadly.