I agree with your point. Having cut the new board a lot of slack though I'd be extremely disappointed if this deal sees out the season. There would have to be airtight legal reasons we can't get out of it. Whether we can or we can't someone's head should roll for this.
Ive already got em wiart the logo, so i'm happy, i was gunner get some more wi logo, but i'm not nar, cheers
I really don't know what to say to this to be honest. Pretty astounded at what you're suggesting. I obviously don't know the exact ins and outs of our agreement, but it feels pretty obvious that this is contractual and part of the deal. Which we MUST stock to 100% IF we are trying to exit. I don't for a single second think there's a chance the club are witnessing what's going on this week and for what, sh**s and giggles, throwing a logo on a goal highlight image just to wind up the fan base. The people working at Oakwell wouldn't do that, and I think those higher up have probably got bigger things to be focusing on than micro managing this week.
Unless the club has fixed on a settled amount. We might have to grudgingly accept the money that potentially comes our way. Hopefully that will be a silver lining after all the anguish it's caused.
The question should be how many heads roll. El Ahmads position is untenable. End of. If the deal was proposed by the Commercial Director, his position is untenable. If the deal has been proposed and pushed by one of the ownership group, we're in really bad territory.
Wouldn't want to disagree. But as a fan base we need to stop leaping from one huge claim to the next and acknowledge this is a pretty big deal. If in fact we are trying to exit this, it won't be easy and will likely need various levels of negotiations and trade offs. Not as simple as one phone call or meeting and everyone walks away.
anything the club says about values is worthless to me, if this partnership is allowed to continue the bit the announcer says at the beginning of every game about 'not tolerating any form of discrimination'...absolute mockery spectemur agendo. in big bright flashing lights.
Oh, I fully agree with that, Loko. Maybe I'm too impatient for something to happen. But there's a lot of people watching to see what does.
There is no silver lining to this. As important as money is to us right now, that aspect is on a whole other page. We're talking values. How can you bang on about being a community club when you allow your community to be targeted by a scam? Not only allowing that, but endorsing it. How can you be a community club when the sponsors (I'm not even going to say their name anymore) community has hateful homophobic and anti-semitic language directly targeting its fanbase who have the audacity to reply to a club media post? There is only one outcome that is acceptable here. If the club fail to deliver it, well... it's not a club I could call my own any longer.
I don’t think they’ve done it to wind up the BFC fan base, I think they’ve done it to pander to the Hex fan base and to heck with our fans. There may possibly be an agreement to include them from time to time and they’ve already done a tweet with a pun on their name but I don’t agree that they had to include them on that specific video. Unless the contract specifically names that exact situation then they could hold off whilst there’s an ongoing investigation that we’re waiting on the outcome of. I’m sure they could meet their contraction obligation (if one exists) by putting out a few extra once it is sorted if we keep them.
As someone who has worked in this space for 15 years, and given what it going on at the club right now, this in my mind is obviously 100% contractual and part of the agreement. You can spot it a mile off. To suggest this is anything other than someone at the club doing their job just doesn't sit right with me. There might be issues with this deal and up above, but I would retract the accusation personally.
Off you pop then if it’s so unfriendly on here! Why stay? Tykesmad is maybe ‘more friendly’ because it doesn’t have posters who will gladly challenge someone’s racist, misogynistic or otherwise abhorrent views. The fact that young Nudger has found himself a home on there is not lost on me. And as for Hemsy being attacked - no idea how long you’ve been on here, maybe longer than I have - but over the many years I go back, it is clear to see that he continually tested people’s patience with his posts. Happy to ridicule others’ views, but went into hiding as soon as a simple question was asked to him about his own. Found evidence to back an agenda rather than using any evidence to form a view - and ignored any subsequent evidence that didn’t suit it. It was impossible to have a reasoned conversation, which was a massive shame - because he has the time, and chooses to devote it, to delving deeply into the teams, academy as well as pro. He has the ability to be insightful but instead chose to be constantly conceited and at times a wilful wind up merchant. Reasons for this are not to be speculated by us and have been eluded to, but he did himself no favours whatsoever. I genuinely think it’s probably for his own good, not just for the good of the board, that he doesn’t post on here anymore.
I agree with Loko the Hex logo will be on all sorts of stuff contractually . Also think the deal has American Hedge Fund pals written all over it
There is a video currently on youtube which includes the yashdeep chap, who obviously had some dealings with putting the sponsorship together. On this video they discuss the sponsorship deal with ourselves, and he literally says the sponsorship deal includes front of shirt and on club videos etc.
This is just sinister. "See how this could bring in some new eyes to our product..." A match made in heaven? More like the door into the seven circles of hell.
It feels like the delay in having a shirt sponsorship was just that and they were in the background all along waiting for their moment to step forward.