And to think we thought we had problems when we were trying to get answers out of Conway ..... Khaled's next fans forum is gonna be interesting.......
It quite possibly does say it has to be on some videos. Did it have to be on that video though when we’re still waiting for them to complete their investigation? Could the contract have not been fulfilled by putting them on a video tomorrow or the day after, once the fans receive an answer?
Maybe the new ownership are members of Conways spacs too along with Hex. JAQ said she'd look to new ways of marketing the club.
I think your reaction would have been worse had it been on a video the day after tomorrow. That would have definitely looked like we had buried our head in the sand for a few days to let things blow over. We're just sticking to a contract, nothing more.
The point of saying the day after tomorrow is that surely there should be another statement by then as a follow up to the holding one they put out a few days ago. I’m sure our contractual obligations would stretch to waiting a few days until the fans heard more. This looks exactly like they are burying their heads in the sand.
I think you're massively playing down the significance of contractual obligations. Especially at a time when a huge proportion of supporters are demanding we look at options to exit ours permanently.
I understand contractual obligations and how significant they are. What I’m doubting is that the contract specifies that there will be a 12 second video on Thurs 11th August at 2pm ish showcasing one of our goals and not just that we do X amount of videos that we could have done later once we’d had a reply.
Again, just my opinion, but I think you're making something sound so easy and simple when the reality is anything but. I very much doubt that the contract mentions dates and times. I bet it mentions goal highlight videos though.
Agree with you about contractual stuff. Don't about the shareholders JAQ is representing. Everything I've read suggests people who know what they're doing regarding investments will not touch Hex.
I agree with your point, in that tjere's a decent chance the sponsorship is for all highlight videos etc. in which case they have to include the logo. However, they didn't have to put the video out. You might say it's a bit of an overreaction, but if they know there's an investigation and they know they have to put the logo on any highlight videos, just don't put them out. Nobody needs a 12 second video of the goal.
Fair that. But I'd say there's a massive amount of supporters who want to see the goal. We just beat a Championship side 1-0 away from home and it wasn't available on iFollow. You wouldn't think it from the reaction, but that's probably down to not many making the trip. Aiden Marsh started, Jordan Helliwell played, and Benson scored his first goal for the club.
Assuming this deal is beyond that of a front of shirt sponsor, then the financial side of it isn't directly comparable to previous deals which, as far as I'm aware, didn't include such things as logo placement in social media footage, etc. The value of this is arguably much higher than that of the shirt sponsorship deal alone, particularly if you have an army of bots and shills willing and able to retweet and re-broadcast it at will. Great publicity for the club, assuming that the product that you're being associated with isn't tainted. If it is tainted, then it's very uncomfortable viewing. The finances might be a 'good deal' in terms of direct comparison to the previous shirt sponsor, but it looks like we're providing far more direct commercial placement too than in previous deals, with an associated increase in reputational risk. Somehow, I get the feeling that what we've given up in this deal is worth far more than the price being paid for it.
I suspect it’s a contractual obligation to mention them in a post-game social post and the decision to overlay it on the video (as opposed to directly in the tweet itself) may have been ours to draw less attention to it. Just guessing