Why does it NEED a tk maxx? I don't think it needs one, I think it's nice to have one. Yes I've been in flannels a few times. It's not for me personally but was clearly for the people I've seen spending money in it.
surprised to hear you say that. Think it’s well designed and attractive. I’ve been into town more times in the last 6 months than in the previous 6 years. Shops need to be one more diverse but the best small town refurb I’ve seen.
You would be surprised how much money is spent on items they stock . There’s plenty of money in Barnsley for the shop to be successful .
Flannels is opening as Flannels on the 8th September. Frasers Group have rebranded all their physical Cruise stores as Flannels now so it reverted to Flannels a while back.
Daft to even compare the two. Barnsley never could, or will, compare to Meadowhall for retail. Sheffield City Centre can’t even compete with it either. The Glassworks was never a retail-led scheme. It’s to bring more leisure to a town centre that was dead after 5pm. There aren’t any units left that are big enough for more national retailers so don’t hold your breath for more shops to come.
I’ve heard Poundland are having the old M&S and closing the two stores they’ve currently got. Not 100% convinced how true this is yet, but I wouldn’t be surprised.
I realise that the two are on different financial scales and probably also on different levels of conception and design. But nevertheless, if I want to go shopping for something in person, at the top of our street I have the option of turning right and going into town or turning left and going to Meadowhall. To that extent, they are in competition for my spend. The truth is, I'd probably shop online anyway, given the ease of returning unsatisfactory items today. All that is not to say that I don't applaud Barnsley Council for massively smartening up the town centre - although the behaviour problems in the Peel Square/Peel Street area still need addressing.
Flannels does not even compare to house of Fraser.I,ve been in the one in Meadowhall and I find it not very interesting to look round just one big warehouse with clothes hung up all over the place and don,t get me started on the price tags.
That's why Sheffield is so run down. To try and compete with the retail options on offer at meadowhall would be a waste of time.
Sheffield is being rebuilt, offering some competition with Meadowhall but with an emphasis on city living and leisure. It certainly isn’t run down.
I’ve heard on the grapevine that Frasers Group are in terms for the former Debenhams at Meadowhall. If they do take it they’ll probably have it as a store that combines a load of their brands (Frasers, sofa.com etc.) and relocate Sports Direct there too so it’ll be similar to a department store I guess, though I doubt we’ll ever see a true department store again.
Not a patch on the original Sevenstone plans, but that’s where we are now. Fargate looks pretty run down to me these days.
Haven't been in since Pre Covid, not sure if run down is the right h once of words or not but I remember lots of Shops closed down.
Sevenstones had a greater emphasis on retail. In 2013 when the plans were being put together physical shopping still dominated. With the move towards online shopping, and historical shopping areas leaning towards living and leisure, the original scheme could now be a huge white elephant with many more empty units. Fargate is a bit of a mess, but it follows the trend for shops closing. A container park is currently being built on it, offering food and entertainment, and there is a push for the whole area to become a new entertainment hub and active travel corridor. Thats enough thread hijacking from me. Back to the Barnsley developments (which I agree are fantastic for the town)
Yep, Barnsley council build the Glassworks to revive the town centre, Sheffield Council stack a few containers at the top of Fargate.