Whilst they'll be questions around how this happened and how we got in to this position, it's a positive the club came to the decision within a week. The 'silence' makes sense now and was justified as we've just landed the killer blow, so to speak.
Very relieved to see this be announced. That's the important step done. The inquiry behind how we got to this stage can now be done properly by the club as they see fit.
The correct decision. Now the investigation should begin into who brokered this deal. Also, I'll have the popcorn ready when the Cult Members reply to the post on social media wanting their money back from Barnsley Food Bank.
This is now my biggest concern. They'll be some pain for sure, however, if the BFCST account is anything to go by (over 5,000 notifications in less than a week - crazy for us) it does eventually die down after five days. I woke up to one notification this morning rather than the standard 50-150.
They'll move on eventually and get bored. It's how that community works. Moving from one hype to the next. I've no idea what this Pulse X thing is that they keep going on about, but if the 'founder' announces that it will be a case of 'Barnsley who?'.
I'd very much like to see a public apology from the club for what they've put parts of our fanbase through because of their spectacular failure of judgement and in particular, a public reply to the Rainbow Reds. Well done to them for putting their head so bravely above the parapet, they deserve nothing but praise.
Just pay them back in a certificate that may or may not be worth the square root of phook all in 5 years time. I get a feeling they'd jump at it.
If anything, I'd expect the responses will serve as a good indication of exactly why the relationship has been ceased. It's a pity that the club couldn't have pre-emptively added a "For further details, please see the replies to this thread" comment at the end of their Twitter announcement.
I don't think that would be typical business behaviour on social. There's particular individuals that have behaved abhorrently, but you've got to be careful not to make the accusation that it's everyone. No need to add fuel to the fire like that and keep it clean, punchy, and let them move on to something else.