Undoubtedly. Like all things do. I just think for the majority it will be passing comments eventually rather than front of mind.
BFCST did very well on this. But it all started when fans on social media spotted who we were dealing with. If it wasn't for them the supporters trust wouldn't have known to go to the club.
There's nothing to stop parties agreeing to a cooling off period as a term of the contract, but there's no statutory requirement for it in commercial contracts like there is to protect consumers. It'd be unusual in circumstances like this, as there would be potential for embarrassment and wasted spend if either party could just unilaterally annul it.
We were speaking to the club before all that came to light on Sunday afternoon. What we were speaking to them about evolved as the situation did.
Given the speed with which this matter has been resolved, it seems churlish to go on a witch hunt for those whose idea it was to have Hex involved with us. The best reward and conclusion now would be to unveil a reputable replacement sponsor quickly. I'd still like a Hex XXL shirt though.
But the club deal with them ended because of the tweets. If you spoke to the clubs before the tweets came out then you were talking to the club about something different. Of course having the supporters trust get involved helped sort it quicker than it would have been done otherwise.
I think so. It's also not a slight on BFCST that they didn't unearth the information first. The purpose is to listen to supporters and work in their best interests, rather than being solely responsible for sourcing any grievances a supporter might have. If supporters aren't bothered about Paul Conway looking to move us away from Oakwell, or about the West Stand closing, then there really is no action for us to take in those historic examples.
Not sure of the angle you're coming from on this one. There were concerns around this deal, or at least a request for clarity, before the tweets were discovered and certain individuals started to attach themselves to the deal. The tweets are very likely to be one reason, and the main reason, the deal has ended. But it isn't the only reason.
Actually I think it was me who suggested it was a Ricky Gervais spoof last night and low and behold this morning Hex are gone
Proper happy about this. Just spent two traumatic hours at the dentist and my mouth feels like it’s swollen to 10x its normal size but this has cheered me right up!
The only thing Barnsley FC mentioned in their statement to you was images circulating on social media. https://bfcst.co.uk/bfcst-update-hex-sponsorship-deal/ The original BFC statement was headlined social media posts and that's all it spoke about. https://www.barnsleyfc.co.uk/news/2022/august/club-statement/ Then the statement from today. https://www.barnsleyfc.co.uk/news/2022/august/club-statement2/ Three different articles and at no point in any of them does it suggest the reason to either investigate or get rid of Hex was to do with anything other than abusive social media posts. Maybe in the follow up statement they will mention the questions the BFST put to them playing a part in the decision. But at the moment it's pretty clear cut that we've got rid of Hex for the sole reason that fans did homework on the sponsor that the club failed to do themselves. I would hope BFCST would agree that whoever was responsible for the deal should be let go from the club.
It be nice for us as a collective to be happy it’s been resolved correctly in an appropriate manner and time frame and not worry about who helped the most. As The Rock said “IT DOESNT MATTER”.
I can't respond to this. Given my posts don't get separated as personal opinion vs. BFCST's stance. But wow.
Well the general sentiment I see from that lot on the twitter right now seems to be "it's a shame for them. Thousands of people in Barnsley could have become millionaires" so they're still trying to go all in on the grifting for one last attempt to scam folk. Hopefully it dies down though.