Create a 2nd account for which the BFCST all have log in details. And if an official stance from that is required by in a post use that between you. But then again you will fall foul of your site rules for having multiple accounts
The usual practice, as far as I'm aware and admittedly my experience is limited, is if a clause in the contract such as this is put in place, neither party would announce the contract until that period is over. We haven't had exactly this, but we've won contracts that we haven't announced until later because we were wary there were still potential sticking points. In fact, we rarely if ever announce we've won a contract until we're up and running with it and actually doing the work, which is often a couple of months later.
Hey up Mr C nice to see you back unless I've missed summat it's been a busy last month for me. Hope it's not a fleeting visit.
Surprised they haven't mentioned our statement yet. I would hope they wouldn't try asking for the money back that got donated to the food bank, but I wouldn't put it past them.
Probably more publicity than had they not been dumped. That said its the right call from the club to get rid and its been done much faster than I would have expected
It's incredible seeing lots of Hex 'people' tweeting about barnley fans touching kids and being paedo's and stuff. What a delightful bunch we entered into an agreement with. I will say though, I love the amount of fans from other clubs defending us though. Think it's brilliant to see people coming together regardless of which clubs they support when they see something wrong in this sport we love.
I'm happy that the decision has been reversed and so quickly. I, for one, do not believe heads should roll for this. It appears that many people just want to see the back of the CEO, and this is just another excuse.
I genuinely believe it may have been more of a Quay idea, just seems so far out of our normal bounds to take these people on. It needs an enquiry for sure. But we can't just pin it on Khaled just yet. This guy who made the deal with us, were we aware about the folk investing in us with him? Or did they invest in him and then he into us and he just thanked them? So we werent aware of them until after we saw him thank them? Just seems to be a lot going on.
The way you read the twitter feeds the Hex community make out they gave 95% of the foodbank money. But to those who did contribute i would say its a genuine thank you. The issue is the fringe members of that network seem to be the typical keyboard cult that worship false gods.
Fantastic! Well done BFC. Proud of our club for not letting this go on any further and putting the integrity and reputation of the club and fans above all else. A bad decision was made, it's now been rectified. Maybe we were incredibly naive in getting this sponsor through the door, but I don't think anyone should swing for it. Business decisions are often made in good faith, and sometimes that is abused. We move on.
Sacked? These are people's livelihoods at stake. Peole nowadays have to have someone to blame, and if they lose everything then even better. Awful mentality. Lessons will be learned from this. They have made the right call. Cut them some slack for fooks sake.
It always makes me laugh. Working class union town full of folk who seem to enjoy seeing people sacked and disgraced with their livelihoods ruined. It's been a bit of a fiasco, but hardly the crime of the century. It's been corrected, let's move on.
I haven't seen Barnsley play in years. Live in Norwich now and was very excited to watch the Ipswich game in a few weeks. Decided tgat I couldn't in good conscience support a team with a scam on their shirt, so wasn't going to go. Absolutely delighted and masdively relieved by this news!!
I know you are saying it in jest but the hate needs to stop. I intentionally didn't read any other comments before posting and when i scrolled down the first i see is get them sacked. It's shameful. The club made the right call, it's a good thing. There are way bigger issues in the world.