I've only just seen this and not seen it mentioned, so thought I would share. The suggestion is that such changes would go live in April. The current BBC News 24 channel and the global worldwide service would cease. A new channel, called BBC news would take it's place. Firstly, the channel would be commercial and funded by advertisements. Secondly, even greater UK job losses would take place (this after losing significant talent in the last 18 months that just hasn't been replaced), while creating new units in Washington and in Singapore. The news output locally and internationally would be identical. Breaking news would be a low priority. The tories, through strategic appointments in the BBC and BBC news in particular, have launched a major attack on the BBC for the last 5 years and its standards are now at an all time low. This seems an extraordinary move and seems to be shifting to more news from the US and less from the UK and more specific, less from regions. I'm genuinely worried just what else this government is going to prioritise that strips away scrutiny, if Channel 4 is sold off (which seems to be the plan of both leadership contenders) there will be very little media left that offers a slant anything other than right of centre.
I’m afraid you’ve nailed it, No scrutiny, no objective media views, public pillocked into thinking it’s in their best interest. Welcome to faux democracy ala Tory’s
Yes I saw this story today for the first time. Its really sad that the Tories are wrecking almost everything in the country - The BBC the NHS the legal system the police and a large enough minority of the country doesnt seem to care and are just letting them do it because they think the alternatives are worse. I genuinely wonder how long its going to be before papers like the Mirror and Guardian and in particular Private Eye find themselves being controlled somehow.
Read Private eye a lot. Although some stuff is a little out of my depth. I can't see it being dumbed down. As it goes at everyone. And everything corrupt. which appeals to its readers. If it were. Its sales would dive. The tories have had a torrid time over the last several yrs. But it's not solely aimed at them. Found this interesting. Private Eye is a British fortnightly satirical and current affairs news magazine, founded in 1961.[2] It is published in London and has been edited by Ian Hislop since 1986. The publication is widely recognised for its prominent criticism and lampooning of public figures. It is also known for its in-depth investigative journalism into under-reported scandals and cover-ups.[3] Private Eye is Britain's best-selling current affairs magazine,[4] and such is its long-term popularity and impact that many of its recurring in-jokes have entered popular culture in the United Kingdom. The magazine bucks the trend of declining circulation for print media, having recorded its highest ever circulation in the second half of 2016.[5] It is privately owned and highly profitable.[6] Also lol. Wonder how many he's won. Private Eye is currently edited by Ian Hislop, who is also known for his role in BBC television's long-running satirical news quiz Have I Got News For You. His editorship of the magazine has made him the most sued person in British legal history.[1]
I've a feeling that the Guardian is part owned by a group that is pretty right leaning and there have been a few suggestions that its editorial team has been channelled to include some more right leaning journalists. I still find it incredible Melanie Phillips had a short tenure there! Also worth noting that Reach plc who now own the Mirror also have the Express under their umbrella of media and news publications. So you could suggest that their respective transformations are already underway.
Oh its only a success because it is clearly unbiased but it does keep highlighting government corruption and nepotism I just worry that some external pressure will be applied to muzzle it - I am particularly concerned that laws are being brought in to make it easier to Jail troublesome reporters for example https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/politics/fears-journalists-could-jailed-years-24583520
Just read another article that is suggesting the "merger" of its news channels would cut its presenter base to just 5 in the UK and likely one extra one in Washington. They currently have 19. It would also mean 70 job losses in the UK, but up to 20 new roles in the US. And of course, worth remembering this is down to the government freezing the budget for 2 years and essentially forcing cuts on the BBC.
I share people's concern about this and find it outrageous. The BBC news channel provides a fantastic and, in my view, impartial service. I know it seems fashionable in some quarters to knock the BBC, but I make a point of watching the 10 pm news and Newsnight every weekday. When I used to drive to work and back, I always listened to the Today programme and PM on the way to and from work.
That's the problem, the British are passive,why doesn't this paper say something? Why doesn't the Labour party do something? I listened to the BBC radio news today at 11am today,it reported that in real terms,wages had fallen 3%. The response to this was to get a multi millionaire business owner to come on say that giving people pay rises to make up for this would be wrong. I'm not Left wing,but how much nonsense are you Brits going to stand? Since 2010,the conservatives have been underfunding the public sector,running it down,bringing in laws which are undemocratic,having illegality and corruption at the very top of society and government, making everyone poorer by coming out of the EU. Making the rich richer and ordinary people poorer. WTF needs to happen to you people before you will stand up for yourselves, your children and grandchildren?
Just on a tangent.... and again, this news didn't seem to filter through too many places... the governor of the Bank of England (appointed to replace Carney for his staunch pro brexit views) asked for pay restraint in the market place to try and curb inflation. Firstly, a report was published last week showing that in banking and finance and more widely across professional services, pay rises, including bonuses was the highest in any sector the country at around 10.1%. Secondly, Bank of England staff have been awarded £23m in bonuses this year.
I cant find it now but someone published a graph of how the bottom 20% earners and top 20% earners had been affected in real terms by the fuel and covid effects on economies, In most of Europe they were more or less equally affected -some countries the highest 20% actually suffered more than the lowest 20% . Once country stood out as different though with the lowest 20% being worse off by far more than the top 20% - give you one guess as to which it was - I will try and find it but am working at the moment and its a bit hard to search whilst compiling a program
My perception, and it is just that, is that things have massively worsened since the Brexit referendum. And I mean that in terms of the divide of rich and poor and the reduction in ethics and the reduction of scrutiny as greed at all costs seems to be taking place more than I can recall. I'd be interested to see the graph and if indeed there is anything that shows a widening in the period from the referendum to the covid pandemic.
Not found the graph I was looking for but this one is a good example of how Tories go about leveling up which I had seen before
It’s worth looking at what has happened to local tv stations in the US over the last 20 years and the effect that has had. Most cities and even some towns in America have always had local tv stations for news, current affairs and weather. They were typically independent companies. Over the last 20 years they’ve all been bought out by huge super corporations. They now all display the same far-right drivel. It’s worked wonders for them.
Look North in Yorkshire, rarely has any local news,instead focussing on "issues". Often following the government story of the day. No fun partnerships, stories of daft yorkshire behaviour,all the creative arts we have,beautiful locations. It's a reason Harry Gratipn retired early than he wanted,he disagreed with the national directive that all news shows should have one presenter. Then there is all the negative changes to local and national radio output too.