I touched on this is another post. I understand we need every penny we can muster given our situation, but the current set up is really invasive on the user. I've clicked through 3 pages to just check the final substitutes who were brought on (no matter what I've tried, I can't get past the 76th minute of the ifollow full match replay). A pop up advertising papa johns has loaded 3 times in a row requiring another click to close it. You also often have what I suspect is a targeted ad opening beneath the masthead image of an article which delays reading and requires further navigation of the page to get to the text of the article. And on any video footage on ifollow, you have a few seconds of the video, interrupted by an ad, then resetting a few seconds into the video. It's very clunky. Can the ad be triggered right at the very beginning rather than a few seconds delay? I've no issue with the monetisation, but it has to be harmonious with the user interacting with it. And it doesn't feel that way at the minute. If thats the norm for the rest of the season, I'm more inclined to get my news and listen to interviews from radio sheffield/ football heaven footage. That drives down interactions with the site and I suspect will reduce the clubs income from advertising.
Ads are all through the website, not just ifollow. The papa johns one is on every page I navigated through to get to the match info.
Mate, you think that’s bad. You wanna try youporn! Lost all momentum by the time I’ve closed all the ads.
I think it depends on whether or not you pay the video subscription. I’ve just had a shufty at the full match and only saw an ad at the start which I could immediately skip. I haven’t seen the full recording though
It's a platform provided by the EFL, and as such, the club have no control over it. A simple ad blocker removes the issues you mention, though. You'll have to move on to your next negative point about the club. Doesn't it get tiring though?
I only see the Papa Johns ad on the right hand side when reading articles, and that looks like an EFL wide thing, given the EFL badge is on there. The ads on the video would be from iFollow (or YouTube, as it seems similar setup), rather than the club. The website still looks to me like it is using an centralised EFL template / content management system, and iFollow is a centralised product as well. I doubt the club are actually making anything from the ads, just to make them even more annoying. EFL will be though.
The ads on ifollow AND the website are provided by the EFL as part of the platform they provide. The club have no control over that.
Yes, you can skip after 5 seconds, same on full replays or any uploaded footage. Apparently we can't flag the slight delay of the advert to the EFL (or FLi, or whoever runs digital these days) as that might actually enhance the experience for fans.
The EFL do make a lot of money from partners. I spoke with a partner of FLi about a decade ago and they wanted a 6 figure sum to entertain a base level of dialogue. There should be a click through/impression revenue that the club do generate, though I suspect you're right and the EFL could well take a slice off that too.
Sometimes that may be the case but not as often as you portay. Everything isn't as bad as you seem to take pleasure in painting. It seems to be relentless. Your very raison d'etre. There are positives and granted there are negatives but maybe it's hard to see that from 200 miles away?
The club may get a cut from click throughs. But my main point is, I don't think there's anything that the club can do to improve the user experience, without moving to their own streaming system and their own CMS / web templates. Pretty sure I've seen @YTBFC post that it is something they want to do, but I'd assume now is not the time to undertake such projects given financial constraints. It'll be up to the EFL to make improvements to the UX within the current infrastructure.
You seem to have made mass assumptions here that I'd more expect of my stalker, so let me clarify matters. I have no raison d'etre other than wanting my club to be the best it can be. End of. Simple. That's it. Anything else you insinuate is your incorrect assumption. I take no pleasure in highlighting mediocrity, especially when it doesn't get sorted. Maybe you could reply in the same manner to the people who have highlighted mediocrity who have been at the ground. You know, the awful food, the bad service, the inexperienced staff not really knowing what they are doing, the bird s*** on seats. You know... all that sort of stuff which many people highlight week in week out and never seem to improve consistently. But you'll not see me posting those points, because as you rightly highlight, well, nearly, I'm 180 miles away and can't attend matches. I'd love to. But I can't. Unless you think I should be selfish and put my wife's life at risk? So maybe cut the cheap sniding, eh? I don't expect that of you, I thought you were better than that. And of course, you overlook my "positive posts" about much of the football this season. You wilfully ignore posts where I comment I've enjoyed the game and even today raved about Bensons display and goal. But that doesn't suit your agenda either does it?
There's a contract that is due to end in the next couple of years, I think. They'd have to weigh up the costs of providing their own platform, streaming, website etc and what improvements that would allow the club to make and the financial benefits it might provide (if any). I seem to think Derby had their own pre, half time and post-match show for instance.
Yes, I had that very dialogue with him last season I think. Crying shame we lost so much revenue and just aren't in a position to veer away from the centralised templates. Something I've been openly supportive of but clearly it's nothing close to being a priority at the minute. You're likely right re templates, though depending on how sophisticated the CMS is, you might have control over add ons and how they run. And if people are disrupted by how things are being triggered, you'd think if enough people held that view, then the club could lobby FLI on behalf of fans to tweak it ever so slightly? And if not enough people are affected, well, they make their choices and can keep it as is. It's just disappointing that certain replies have turned this thread into something it's not.
It's not an assumption it's the general impression you give me. It seems to me to be relentless. Maybe you don't see it, but I know plenty of other people do. The point about being 200 miles away was that it's difficult to have an opinion on something you don't experience. I wasn't making any comment on your personal situation. As for the stalker comments. I think you just don't like the truth being pointed out to you time and time again. That's how it seems to me anyway. You don't like being corrected and "your stalker" regularly points out the holes in your argument. I will leave it there.
Your general impression is an assumption. Your personal biases and the biases of people you listen to further enhance your biases and your incorrect assumptions. You had an assumption. I've shared that they are incorrect. By the way, I'm glad you're well and can focus on holding the club to account and moderating the BBS, and behaviours of all it's admins to a consistent and high standard. I bid you adieu.
As a football fan, I think being biased towards your club (in my case Barnsley) comes naturally. I would be the first to admit that I am totally ,unashamedly bias towards BFC. So lets get this straight once and for all, the reds are super smashing great. Any other team is sh*t, some shi**er than others!