Perhaps there is an element of how they feel when reading posts which then colours their view of the content style of writing. The OP in this instant was surely in no way confrontational but seemed to stir up unfounded accusations that somehow it is all my fault without any of them knowing the facts and jumping to conclusions e.g. I stepped into the path of the cyclist. ( Infamy, infamy, they have all got it in for me) It also often appears to be the same group of individuals that do this.
I think it’s because we’re the only ones still giving you the time of day, everyone else just ignores you because they can’t be bothered being talked down to or shouted at.
Additional additional clarity, the OP says the incident happened on the Quayside in Newcastle. There are many pedestrian only areas but that's not one of them, it's shared use with cyclists. Personally, when cycling in such areas and approaching a pedestrian from behind I slow down and ring my bell, sadly on this occasion the cyclist didn't. News media like The Mail or The Express like to characterise such things as "normal (car driving) people" vs "weird lycra clad yobs" when in truth there are bad drivers and bad cyclists.
Reminds me of a time I walking on the T P T and a cyclist shouted from behind can I please pass and I said ok but you should have just rung your bell and he said I would but no one listens.
I find there are two types that make bell ringing a waste of time; young people with buds in their lugs with some "banging tunes" on and old gits who are slightly hard of hearing. Shouting to these people is also a waste of time. I'm an old git so I'm allowed to comment on other old gits.
This thread reminds me of the story of the concerned wife who heard about someone driving the wrong way on the motorway. She called her husband, who was underway on that same motorway, to warn him. "Watch out" she said "Some clown is driving the wrong way on the motorway near where you are". "One clown???" he replied "There's hundreds of them!!"
And your point is? I was referring to riding on the road, as I'm sure you well know. Pedestrian areas will have their own rules which may or may not allow cycles.
Amazing how often you find that the people who get annoyed at cyclists using roads, the people who get annoyed at cyclists using shared pedestrian paths, and the people who get annoyed at any suggestion of segregated cycling routes turn out to be the same people! Personally I hate shared paths between cyclists and pedestrians, and my biggest dislike is cyclists on canal towpaths, where I think they're an absolute menace. But the only reason any of this is a problem in the first place is because of cars, and the government's attitude that drivers should be protected at all costs.
Surely you would see the funny side, though, if you side stepped the dog turd causing the cyclist to plough through it and flick it up into your face? And, is the main culprit, in this scenario, not the non-dog turd picky uppy fleece and Hush Puppies wearing lummox?
Wow! Are you having a bad day or what? There are plenty of threads where People respond with sensible comments. Calling me out for being angry etc. Take a look in the mirror JD.
This is not being sarcastic, or joking, or taking the pee. I’m in favour of this approach. If we all start our posts by telling the board what it’s not, then half the arguments wouldn’t start. It will be interesting pondering what it is when certain options have been removed. You can’t argue with what you don’t know! Incidentally, I’m quite convinced that this post isn’t and wasn’t a rant!
As Brush has said the area in question was the Quayside which is not pedestrian only. Doesn't detract from the fact that I was talking about riding on the road, as was the op when referring to speed limits.
I am a bit, yeah, I’m still in pretty bad pain from my dental work a few days ago. I guess it’s making me more likely to blurt out the truth rather than trying to be tactful. I just don’t get why all your threads have to be controversial and really strongly opinionated. Most people post one from time to time, and some people post them really frequently but interspersed amongst other posts, but pretty much every post you make is that way and I don’t really understand why. It makes you seem really highly strung. Can’t you post some football related content sometimes?
Or rather the truth as you see it . FYI I am apparently on the spectrum albeit fairly low. It does tend to make me very focused and intense or rather, relentless', as my 'better half' puts it. Incidentally I have more than once acknowledged , (once very recently) that I can be opinionated and intense). That said there quite a few on here the same Who become intense to the point of being abusive. A handful on here pick on certain posts/ posters who due to having differing views, on politics, for example, seem to become a target. I also explained in a recent post that whilst I avidly follow the matchday threads etc. but being unable to watch the matches for various reasons I have very little to contribute to the discussions about tactics, players etc. That does not mean to say I am not interested in BFC. Hope your pain disappears quickly. Have a good'un.
YOu are referring to this I believe. "But in September 1997, the Cambridge Evening News and the Guardian reported that a cyclist was fined £120 for travelling through the city centre at 25mph in a 30mph zone. Quite extraordinarily, police used a law that was more than 150 years old for "riding furiously". The Town Police Clauses Act of 1847, section 28, F18, states that penalties will be given to "every person who rides or drives furiously any horse or carriage, or drives furiously any cattle". Furiously? Seriously? The Guardian story named the rider as one Tony Adams, a postal worker, 24, who was also in training to try and break Chris Boardman's pursuit record. Adams said: "I couldn't believe it. I wasn't even pedalling furiously." I think Local authorities have unilateral powers to impose specific speed limits on cyclists in ceratin area... parks near schools etc but, as you say these do not relate to the overall RTA laws re speeding. Given modern lightweight bikes with multiple gears I suspect, with the advent of increased trafic and pedestrian levels, 20mph zones in urban areas, a change in the law to encompass bikes is probably due. Even I could easily exceed 20mph on the flat on modern bikes which are Worlds apart from the one I had when I was young , a heavy steel frame Raleigh with 3 speed Sturmey Archer gears. Oh! and I am absolutely not 'anti bikes', as one or two have implied. I think they are fantastic in the right environment but are not practical for everyone. However, to deny there is not a small minority of cyclists (like motorists) who behave irresponsibly, inconsiderately or even dangerously, is plain wrong.