Has anybody seen the YouTube vids of a guy refurbishing football ground seats using a small hand held gas torch.They literally come up like new in seconds,if someone from the club reads these threads or if posters on here would let them know it would make oakwell look a lot smarter(especially the North stand).
Same technology for restoring car bumper &trims. Only down side is it will fade again and can only do so many times as it ‘dries the plastic out’ . You could also smear it in Peanut butter and wipe off and would have same effect.
It'll give Leya Iseka and Helik something to do while they think about their futures. Chuck a couple of cans Styles' way too.
I just think if you can get away with it 2 or 3 times and they last 5 years as opposed to doing nothing and they look sheeite for another 7 years what's the best option ?
Works for a short time . It's just brings the oils to the surface . Causes them to go brittle as well
Being pedantic, the principal of what you’re saying is correct but there are no oils in plastic. It works because the heat separates the pigments/dye used in plastic are generally either thermally or UV unstable so the sun fades them and the heat reactivates the colour. The downside with this process as you say can cause them to go brittle that is because each time you do it you are removing small parts of the colour and eventually the chemical combination of hydrocarbons (in the plastic) and colour becomes unstable.
So basically it's a terrible idea. Might look good for a season but then rust and disintegration sets in and it all fades to a shadow of its former self - sounds a bit like last season!