They wouldn't, and they don't see the irony in that either. I once dated a girl who once upon a time worked in Yeovil Town's supporters bar. She once told me about having to intervene in a fight between a man and his daughters boyfriend, the first night she worked there. The dad was with his mates (and his daughters boyfriend), and between them they were all being quite vulgar about their partners. When the aforementioned boyfriend joined in, the dad lost his head and the police had to be called to separate them. As I say, the irony is completely lost on that type.
Its not just our problem, football attracts neanderthals choose whichever club. They think it's just having a laugh and a bit of banter to sing abusive chants. The majority of chants are abusive to someone whether it be the gypo, dingle, pineapple head, you fat *******, we all hate Leeds scum, you all shag one another etc regularly heard on the terraces of most clubs. Was it the Burton physio who had "Get your tits out for the lads" sung at him. I'm afraid anyone who is different from the norm will be a target for these immature morons. You might be able to ban 30 or so Barnsley fans but what do you do about 10,000 Man U or Leeds fans doing the same?
The behaviour on Tuesday is unacceptable and has rightly been condemned by the club and thankfully most of the fans too. But **** me some fans of this club are more interested in examining every word of the statement for an opportunity to criticise.
I could but I won't lk311 because even if you won 17 zillion zazillion English pinds with my lucky numbers, you wouldn't be able to change or influence the people on here who are serial complainers who have slated, and will forever, slate BFC whatever the issue. Whatever the issue. After all, we're nothing but a club which accepts mediocrity. We're tinpot. We don't know what we're doing. My greatest memory of that ultra pessimistic outlook/attitude was when we were within a gnats testicle of promotion to the Premier League and "fans" were still saying that we didn't want to go up. This place/forum gets so negative at times....its like if any of the complainers won £999,999 on the lottery they'd be moaning about the fact that that it wasn't £1m. Laugh.....I thought my trousers would never dry. Anyway.......02. 03. 05. 13. 21. 27.
I now realise it's abuse scratching my knackers and saying, "Laura what's that smell like". Or farting under covers is unacceptable bordering on abuse. It's commendable the club making statements but it's society that's the problem.
Loud and clear in the Family stand F15. Absolutely cringeworthy. But I was sitting behind a guy who chose to ignore his 9 ish year old son giving w@nker signs to Bristol Rovers fans.
One of Wycombe's two first team physios is female - let's hope we have some measures in place to quickly identify and deal with any inkling of a recurrence.
The Hex lot have found the post on Twitter and jumping on it again. Whataboutism at its finest, making out like we've not done anything about it. Strange, strange folk.
The chant in question is poor form, wrong and offensive from those chanting it, please refrain. What is also poor form is some of the language used by the self righteous who post on here. See the stewards thread, someone actually described those chanting as mongs. That is totally unacceptable, horrendous, offensive.
I notice the post on the stewards thread has now been recently edited. The poster has rectified their indiscretion, anyone looking for the bad word will not see it.
Don't get me started on Hex when they have got their hands on a collectors item If he sold that shirt it would go for a fair sum.
Have we had any speedy updates from the club on who was responsible for the Hex sponsorship that I may have missed.
Don't worry about it, they are no longer our sponsors. The club recognized the error and acted upon it. No public floggings necessary, an in house review will suffice. Lets hope we beat Wycombe and get on a winning streak.
This sort of thing is a throwback to the 1930, 40s 50s and early 60s where, going to the football match on a Saturday afternoon was almost exclusively a working class man's weekly escaape from the workplace, which was often very demanding physical and where men could let off steam. There was little competition for their time and it was very affordable. It is therefore true to say it WAS a man's game in as much as the behaviour and language, by today's standards completely unacceptable, but then, was pretty much the norm. I suspect dissenting voices would have been none existent. We are also talking about an era where many pubs and WMCs only allowed women (if at all) into the snug, concert room or lounge. Even in the early 70s there were often brawls spilling out onto the streets on a Friday or Saturday night when the 'lads' had had a few too many (I remember the White Hart in Peel Square was a spot where that occasionally happened). The George was more tranquil given the Landlord Albion ruled with an iron fist!. Times and attitudes havethankfully changed, but sadly, not in the minds of all. the same behaviour still exists outside nightclubs in some places. However, given there appear to be no dissenting voices on here, rightly so, and everyone is in agreement that this behaviour is appalling, embarrassing and unacceptable in the times we now live in, All of 4 pages of righteous indignation seems to amount to nothing more than 'virtue signalling' where posts seem to be a competition to see who is most 'worthy'. Moaning about it on here days after the event achieves nothing. Given the strength of feeling on here, the more appropriate action is for fans attending the game : a) To collectively report the bahaviour to stewards there , particularly if they feel that it is spoiling their enjoyment of the game.and then insist something is done (even if it is to escalate and focus the CCTV security cameras on the area in question and also make a PA announcement. The former recording would to assist further enquiries in identifying the culprits. b) The supporters club make the club aware of the strength of feeling amongst the regular fanbase. c) They could also(if they have not already done so send a message to the affected party, apologising for the behaviour of some of the 'fan?'base on behalf of the majority. The clubs, stewards and footballing authorities are the only people who can take any effective action. In all likelihood the physio targetted is far less upset and angry than some on here. Not for one minute should she have to, but she probably has encounteered this sort of thing before and shrugs it off as 'all in a days work' which is a sad indictment of the state of affairs anyway. Sorry, just my opinion, so don't attack me on this, I am simply trying to put forward suggestions as to an effective approach to dealing with it. All that said. those responsible for this behaviour are unlikely to restrict there behaviour to the football grounds since their attitudes, particularly amongst older 'so-called-fans' are pretty entrenched anyway. Racism, bigotry sexism against women and, worse still, misogyny have existed for centuries and regrettably, will still exist long after we are dead.
I`ve just read some of the posts on theTykes chat forum on the chanting the other night & come to the conclusion there`s no hope for some.