Someone will buy them out, this is a move to drop pandemic debt. Debts of £4b - that's mind-blowing stuff
When a business has too much debt to service filing for chapter 11 bankruptcy allows protection of the ongoing business whilst a potential restructure of the debt takes place. In all likelihood the business will continue but with the debt holders converting debt to equity.
With the picture and sound quality available to install in your own home I can understand why more people are not going to the cinema and waiting for a streaming release. Then there is the extortionate charge for snacks and drinks plus the loud rustling, chatting, mobile phone using numpties that frequent them too that I can do without.
When Vue are selling tickets at 5-6 quid a pop then it is unsurprising Cineworld are struggling. They charge too much, simple as that.
Wonder how much of this is to do with the law suit Cineplex are threatening after pulling out of the £1.65b purchase of it.
Interestingly the chain that owns Odeon are saying admissions have doubled in the last year but Cineworld are blaming lack of blockbuster movies….
Unlikely to impact business operations and, as others have pointed out, it’s probably linked to the huge lawsuit they have with Cineplex. If anything they’ll just restructure the group. The one in The Glassworks should still open as expected.
The pandemic wont have helped and the fact that were in a time were times are hard gas electric food fuel all rocketing people enjoy the big screen but you can take watch more or less all new movies via a stream nowdays so are people going to shell out a small fourtune to watch a 2 hour film or just stream it at home.