And the online abuse one fan is experiencing from the 'Hexicans'
It would be great if we had a different charity on the front for every game that we don’t have a sponsor. The shirts would make brilliant souvenirs.
There’s another article from one of the top journos at the Athletic. He was at the game on Tuesday, but obviously needs a subscription to read it.
This one? It appears its not behind the paywall, and gives me something to read with breakfast: %1$s&aoh=16609805284378&referrer=
I assumed EVERYTHING from the Athletic was behind a pay wall so never bothered to click it. Good to know and thanks for sharing
Very proud of our supporters, the Supporters Trust and the club for the way this was handled. In this modern world we are told to just blindly accept everything without question under the guise of modernity, and if you refuse something you're seen as backwards or 'not with the times'. But the problem is the money men at the top often create 'these times' and BFC decided to take a stand and say this isn't for us. Some clubs wouldn't have pushed back, and they would be the laughing stock of the football league right now and stuck with them. As for Hex and their Hexicans, they treated the club as their play thing to be ridiculed and exploited; fortunately Barnsley fans let it be known that the proud traditions and legacy of the club is much greater than this particular crypto rubbish with its followers and their questionable views, and we weren't in the mood for playing.