I missed it at the time but from the thread linked, is this referring to a post made 16 days ago or is there something more recent? I don’t understand why the arguments have suddenly started now. Whilst mansfield_red could apologise to keep the peace, anyone who misread it should apologise first as they are the ones who actually did something wrong. MR has been accused of doing something he didn’t do (and in fact did the exact opposite) which is worse than his ‘crime’ of writing something corrrect that was misunderstood. The people who misunderstand obviously did so accidentally and MR didn’t actually do the thing he is being blamed for so I’m not sure why it’s developed into a big argument and a flounce when it could all be chalked up to a misunderstanding and everyone shakes hands and moves on.
It's each to their own tbh. Some folk have found great support on here, others it's probably added to the problem I guess. And I'll admit myself.... the last few weeks has been an experiment (on professional guidance) based on reducing and withdrawing from anti-Ds... I was put on them as I suffered years of panic attacks and never knew what they were. They stopped all the breathing difficulties and panic attacks I've had over the years. And for nearly 3 years I hadnt registered a single problem. So, I thought let's try and remove them. My decision. However, last couple of weeks have just been nothing but. Sleeping isn't happening and general mood been *****. Panic attacks returned way more than I've ever had. Whilst taking them I at least felt normal. But it was my decision to try without. At least I know anyway. And I've tried to fight through it as long as I could. So called Doctors friday morning. "Will get DR to ring you back"... Yeah right or so I thought. And doctor litterally rang me back within 4 minutes (so they are available if they need to be) He's basically reinstated tablets and they were available that afternoon. And with the advice I probably ought to accept that medically/mentally I might need to stay on them long term (and no long term side affects have ever been recorded anyway on what he prescribed). And maybe try lowering dose and things later on. So it's better to take and feel good, than not and feel ***** And it's been horrendous last couple of weeks tbh Just so ya know like. I've definitely been one to battle through on my own and never admit it except to my folks. Until now
I think that accidentally you have offended him and it’s the decent thing to do to apologise. I think there’s a small degree of ambiguity there.
But by that standard, everything could be an offence to anyone. He didn't mean it in the way SD took it, majority on here agreed with that, and instead its dragged on over weeks and multiple threads, when it could have been handled on the initial thread if communicated properly. Mansfield could take offence at you suggesting he isn't decent if he doesn't apologise. Thats the scenario
If he had raised it at the time that he thought I was calling him a nonce then I would have clarified it beyond all doubt (even though I don't think there can reasonably be any doubt) and maybe apologised for any offense I had inadvertently caused. But he didn't, he accused me of labelling him a nonce later, out of the blue in a thread about Carlton Morris because he was losing a debate. And then again in this thread for no apparent reason. As such I have doubts about whether he's acting in good faith in raising the point or just trying to paint me in a bad light. I won't apologise. I don't think it's warranted at all, and it's better to give no apology than an insincere one.
Really appreciate what you’ve said. Thankyou so much …. We don’t really know what to expect so it’s good to get feedback and hear your story !
My reading of it is that you say that Tyler linking hooliganism with Hillsborough was wrong and as far apart as linking SD with sex-offence. The difficulty is that a very tenuous link can be made between hooliganism and Hillsborough and by default a tenuous link between SD and sex-offence. If I've got it completely wrong then I apologise (This my last word on this subject.)
Yeah thats exactly what it is Jack. For example I created this Acid Man/Acido character many years ago now, as escapism. Its something to hide behind and have a laugh with online. Im hope Ponty kid (as I knew him as on the other board) will be ok, and will be back again soon.
Yup that’s exactly how I read it. A poor analogy inadequately expressed caused someone to be upset. Not the end of the world. Just say sorry I didn’t mean it like that but appreciate your upset.
There’s a world of difference between discussion and calling someone a nonce don’t you think? I’m not a snowflake and don’t generally give a toss what randoms on the interweb say others are not so thick skinned. It’s an easy thing isn’t it. That’s not what I intended but appreciate i upset you so I apologise
Not entirely sure what your second paragraph is even in reference to but fair enough. And yes, a world of difference. That's exactly why everybody is saying Mansfield Red didn't call him a nonce...
I agree. He only used that analogy to prove a point that you have to be careful how you use grammar etc. It was crystal clear he wasn't insinuating what others have said and I agree with Mansfield Red in that if there was any issue it should have been raised at the time. I like SD but I don't agree with him on this and don't believe for one minute that deep down he believed that was what Mansfield Red was saying.