Nope, I was with London Tykes. Getting back the railway station was a reight laugh. Where they got all them house bricks from is anybody's guess.
I named myself "Brush" because when I started work in Cambridge in December 1978, I did go on a bit about Barnsley and had quite long hair at the time. So the lady who worked in the lab (cleaning lab glassware etc) christened me "The Barnsley Brush" in reference to a popular puppet of the times....
I worked at the Jaguar plant at Castle Brom for 15 years and got to know loads of Brummies, including the sadist that got me the ticket for the playoff semi-final....
Just to wrap my bit of this thread up and thanks to all that voted and commented. I think around 42% of people on here (I know some voted twice) have received some kind of abuse or personal insults on social media that may or not have had some sort of negative affect on us is a big enough stat for me to at least think for a few seconds before pressing enter.
I completely agree we shouldn’t be abusive to people who are innocently posting their opinion but calling out someone who is blatantly trolling is surely fair game. you can’t be deliberately controversial and then cry wolf (I won’t call out anyone here) but surely it’s fair game. As for non constructive criticism of players, that just seems counterproductive.
Bit unfair. St. Andrews is ok but it does get awfully busy when the open is on. Loud American tourists can be a bit of a pain. Oh and don’t get me started on the English.
I wouldn’t but I live there. That said we often don’t appreciate what’s on your doorstep. Picked a good weekend with the parade yesterday.
100% of people on here have received some kind of abuse or personal insults in real life that may or not have had some sort of negative affect on them. I didn’t need a poll to come to that conclusion. Because that’s life.
Well said. I also find it amusing that some of the people talking about bullying etc tend to be the ones stirring the pot and talking to others like **** in the first place. Persecution complexes. Everyone needs to look in the mirror, not act like bloody martyrs.