Botanist which is about a five minute walk from the train station. You can check out what's coming very shortly to Barnsley.
Spoilt for choice in Leeds these days. Depends how much of the football crowd you want to avoid, what type of food, kid friendly, how far from the station, etc. I’m going to attempt to infiltrate the Scarbrough Taps early doors before getting as far away as I can!
Got loads of great options but depends on what you’re after. Hop in the dark arches is always busy pre game. I’d also look to stay around the station so you’re not venturing too far in the wrong direction. Head of Steam (2 of them and both close to the station) have loads of different beers. Brewery tap is right next to the station too as is Friends of ham. If you’re walking to the ground then you could go to the midnight bell which serves food too and is nice. Bankers Cat is the Thornbridge brewery put across the road from Tapped too. That area would be my recommendation. Check the directions and car parking section. £5 for car park A where they put the away coaches.
Can't wait. Blast me while you can but don't mind Leeds overall. Never had a problem. Drinking in the centre before and after and had my usual conversations with Leeds fans. Always friendly.
Don't think so really other than staunch Leeds pubs like the Peacock. Ground is well outside the centre, nothing really around there that's nice as far as I know. There's a drive through McDonald's close by if you're definitely avoiding the city But Leeds is a wonderful city for food and drink so I'd highly recommend going to the city if you have time.
Depending on the direction you are coming from it probably won’t affect you but just be aware that road closures come into affect from 4am tomorrow for Leeds Festival and there may be traffic along the motorway as people start arriving. It’s not until the weekend but tomorrow is the first day that people can turn up (Wednesday arrival time is 2pm - 9pm).
You'll be fine. You partly sound like you're from Leeds. It's us neanderthal fick sounding ones that'll ev to order using sign language.
I think me and Laura went in there once. It was quite fancy and the drink was expensive. I copped for the round and two pints of Rekorderlig was £9.
That's what I did in 2006. Stayed round the station and got a free (first) bus from under the arches straight to the ground. It was a return so used it to come back to the city centre afterwards. That was a Saturday game and had no bother in the city centre after the game. Stayed there for most of the afternoon/ evening and came back to Pontefract later on. Was young free and single back then. Can't remember if it was an early kick-off or a 3pm. Must be getting old.