I'm more into darker traditional ales such as Sarah Hughes Dark Ruby Mild but also Belgian beers, we went to Bruges last year and had one or two. In Spain these days you can get a variety of excellent bottled beers including Voll Damm brewed in Barcelona.
It's the thought of where we'll be if we don't take anything. 2 0 6 and probably planted in the bottom 4.
After the Bristol game I would have said 3, maybe 5 . After Saturday nothing to come . Apart from the Bristol game we have struggled enormously. Even the Cheltenham game was hit and miss
Ahh yeah in season '98, when Wilson and Redfearn had gone, and Ward was suspended and wanted to go. Hendrie just din't get to grips with the step up to manager did he, and he hasn't tried to do it since btw. We had Mike Turner and young Karl Rose, and eventually the awful Don Goodman on loan. Wow, what a strike force that was.
Yeah this could be a new thread all on its own lol. Were we too loyal with Hendrie and should he have been sacked much earlier than the last few games of that season. And I don't know if Winstanley would have wanted the job long term though. Did Turner score anymore goals btw, after that one at Ipswich, I can't remember. And speaking of our poor strikers, weren't it 1.5 mill that we slashed away on Sheron that season!.
Without a decent striker and another experienced midfielder, not sure where the next point is coming from. There can't be another team as bad as Brizzle Rovers who can make Duffs team look good. We'll be lucky to survive the drop without some real strengthening.