Heartbreaking' and you can bet the piece of s##t that did it hasn't given a 2nd thought for the poor little girl and her family' more interested in keeping his pathetic carcass out of jail' has to be a full life sentence when they're caught..
The bloke who ran into the house should be charged with murder . The bloke who shot the child should be strung up . For people who kill children death sentence should be used . I know if someone murdered any of my kids I would want them killed . No issue whatsoever with that . Otherwise , I would also wait until they were released and take my revenge then .
I heard on a podcast that the amount spent on legal challenges of a death sentence goes into the tens of millions in each case, and therefore costs significantly more than a life sentence in prison.
Mainly legal costs as trials take much longer and involve a lot of work. Also because they tend to be in solitarily confinement whilst being held on death row which costs more.
It wouldn’t be you paying it and it would be repeated many times over for everyone, not just the person who killed your child.
Myra Hindley was desperate to be released, Ian Brady wanted to die, went on hunger strike. The death penalty won't stop incidents like the tragic death of Olivia.
And what happens on the occaisions where the wrong person is convicted? Which given how Legal Aid is being squeezed, will become more and more likely as you need to be flush to have a chance of a fair trial.
Whilst I agree the death penalty wouldn't stop incidents like this, I think it would be the only option that would bring a shred of closure/comfort to me if it was my child that had been murdered. I can't imagine any parent would choose life imprisonment over the death penalty if they had a choice.
Is that based on other countries though, where people can be on death row for literally decades? I guess that’s kinda proves the point in a way. They can’t be that sure of a death penalty verdict, if they’re then allowing decades of legal challenge, presidential pardons etc.
I would. I totally get I might feel completely different if faced with it, but I’d like to think I could rationalise it.
People always say this but th I think parents who have been in those circumstances have a whole myriad of emotions to contend with. And perspectives will change with time. And as its likely to be a manslaughter case rather than murder, even if we had the death penalty Olivia's killer would probably escape it.
Hung , drawn and quartered on the centre spot at half time . Would beat the ***** entertainment we have now
There’s your issue. Your 2-5 year assumption. If the death penalty was brought back (I’d say I’m 100% confident it won’t be but under the current regime I’d write nothing off… though I don’t see any circumstance in which it would), nobody would be executed in that timeframe. They just wouldn’t. There would be legal shenanigans going backward and forward for god knows how long, at massive cost to the taxpayer. It just wouldn’t be a case of death sentence given, death sentence carried out.
Average length on Death Row in U.S is 18 years. I see no evidence it would be any different here with multiple appeals,etc.