I agree to an extent, but I do think it's overblown at times by Twitter mobs. It's always undisclosed, so nobody has a clue. We've turned bids down for Styles & Helik, no reason to believe we wouldn't have done the same for Morris/Woodrow. If they've got their heart set on leaving, to a higher league with a better wage, best thing to do is sell them.
Told yer to give him a bit of time, your only problem with him is keeping him off the treatment table.
Morris didn’t have a relegation release clause. We didn’t accept Luton’s first bid and we also rejected bids from Huddersfield. We didn’t rush to sell him but he was one of the first players to tell us he wanted out, so his availability was clear to clubs pretty early in the Summer.
No evidence, just my opinion. I watched some highlights of his time at Zwolle and he was doing what I would want a centre forward to do: holding up the ball and bringing his team mates into the game. He didn't score many goals like, but he didn't look like a development squad payer.
I doubt very much that the fee we received was what most of our fans think he was worth, so, if he didn't have a relegation clause in his contract, we should have refused to sell him for the Luton offer. He still had two years left on his contract. As you seem to know as facts a lot of things about which most of us can only conjecture, was there a wage reduction built into his contract? If there was, this makes the decision to sell him even more unwise.
Well, you do at least have some evidence on which you have based your opinion then, so I must defer to your assessment. His lack of goals is what concerns me however. Bringing teammates into the game can obviously be a positive attribute, but if they, like Tedic, never score when they have been brought into the game, we are in trouble.
Depends who you talk to. I don’t think the strongly rumoured £1.5m to £2m was terrible business at all. Some people suggesting £3m plus we’re letting their heart rule their head, in my opinion. Our CEOs over the years have always maintained we work with relegation reduction clauses for wages. That would normally be across the board not first team players rather than a select few, and it’s normally around 20%.
I don't think he's the answer to all our problems. If his lack of goals continues he certainly isn't. But I was expecting to watch Bambi on ice and I actually saw someone who looked like they can play.
They have also said that a reduction in wages from relegation goes hand in hand with a release clause. Players won't sign up to a reduction in wages without a way to get out of that contract was how it has been explained in a couple of meetings at the club that I have attended. Which makes your assertion that Morris doesn't have such a clause surprising to me. Don Rowing said something along the lines of if a player hasn't got one they must have a terrible agent. How do you know Morris didn't have one?
I’ve not heard that from any of the recent CEOs and meetings of the last five years. Nothing from the club, or from the media, said anything about a relegation release clause being hit for Morris. We signed him for £200k when nobody in the Championship was interested, so £1.5m seems u realistic to be wanting in your contract. Also the strong rumour that Huddersfield bid more but Morris wanted the Luton move. Many different variables that would lean me to be pretty confident there wasn’t one - the journos would have a confirmed fee rather than undisclosed as the agents would have released the number to get Morris the move he wanted.