Is it just me, or are we being stiffed by these aswell. No way does it feel the same(whilst pouring) or last as long? Any other users feel the same? UUUUU RRRRREDDDDDZ
I bought an absolutely HUGE bottle for £2 a few years ago. It’s filled up the littler bottle 3 times already and can at least do another go if not more. As we pretty much only ever use the dishwasher (and obviously wouldn’t put it in there ) I can see it lasting us a fair bit longer!
I don’t know, I’m not at home (at a bloody STEPS concert) but I think it’s probably a 2 litre bottle?
I was so close to ordering tickets for that concert but couldn't convince anyone to go. It's a tragedy really
The key is the heat of the water. When we have a shepherd's pie. I boil the kettle and use washing up liquid. If it's an industrial type stain I add Cola too.
Wow you are having quite a day I have a feeling a Steps concert might be better than expected - at least you will know all the songs