Just the top? I often drop bits of the sauce into my lap You could always try a pelican bib that will keep your clothes nice and clean, but maybe there is also a market for a "clothes optional" Indian restaurant
I hate it when Laura does sloppy gravy and I drop a sprout off my fork back onto my plate. It misses my shirt but the splash back off my plate doesn't.
I've recently developed a taste for vegetarian curries, as they allow me to go through the entire range of sauces once again with a new flavour. However, some vegetables are like ticking time-bombs in the dish - some of them come out of the kitchen under pressure, and woe betide you if you puncture one with your fork and it spurts its contents all over you.
Cherry tomatoes - my wife ruined a quite expensive polo shirt of mine when the juice from a cherry tomato she cut into exoceted across the dining table.
In these sort of situations going topless would have helped you avoid the missile. However, the reverse direction would be infinitely more tricky...
I have a designated curry shirt. It's a dark red shirt I bought for about a tenner off the reduced rack in Mountain Warehouse. It's not very stylish but I bought it for a holiday because I was looking for cheap shirts I didn't mind getting sun cream, beer and god knows what all over. The shop missed a massive opportunity though because as a chance finding one day, I discovered that once dry, curry stains on it are completely invisible. Had they discovered this feature and advertised it, they could have trebled the price and still sell them in droves, instead of it languishing on the reduced rack.
I run a production line making them. I just take any shirt from my wardrobe, put it on and go for a curry. The next morning it has automatically converted itself into a "designated curry shirt".