Hi folks just a quick question The wife's recently got herself a little run a round Unfortunately the radio /cd player is flashing code required....As anybody got any idea where I might be able to get a code number from to rectify the problem for her thanks in advance ...
Presuming you’ve looked in paperwork that came with car, sometimes they write the code on the bottom of the radio, alternatively you could try someone like these https://www.onlineradiocodes.co.uk/honda-radio-codes
I think what uncle Shed is really asking for here, is some jazz mags. I think Ive still got a few from the 60.
Honda Jazz. Now't positive to say about football, or life in general. Life is totally meaningless for me at the moment. We have sucked up a flag waving Tory Government that is taking normal people back to the 1600's while Boris & his cronies live in the lap of luxury. Meanwhile we return to the days of Jim Iley. At least it was only 30p to get in as a nipper beck then. **** it.