Thought exactly the same when they did the first interview . Can't pillock a pillocker as my grandad used to say
We've sold Morris Woodrow and helik for less than probably 4 mil It's embarrassing and the board deserve every abuse they get
i listened mate… fairly sure I was saying precisely the same / similar things at the time. A bunch of chancers ( that’s being diplomatic) picking up a distressed sale. They remain entirely responsible for the perilous position we are now in.
Your forgetting the jewel in Kaleds crown a young 16 year old who will play a few misters games score goals and then sold in January
I listened, and agreed too. That's why I now sit at home not giving a toss. At first I enjoyed Daniel Stendel because of the way he set the team up. I got to know him personally too, and he's a top bloke. But then, in the summer after promotion, the owners showed their true colours and decimated the squad. Daniel left, and we all know the rest.
I liked Daniel a lot. And Val did the best job on such limited resources in my time watching the club. One of the worst aspects of the new ownership is that you can't allow yourself to get invested in anyone anymore as they're gone in a matter of months. Anyway, apologies for the I said this and I said that post. Not a good look. I'd had a beer or three.