i like to take people on their word unless it’s proved wrong. Possibly Khalid misspoke because of language issues but it does seem what he said wasn’t correct. All the blame isn’t his. Nowhere near but he’s just very bad at his job. If we are to progress he needs to go. I genuinely believe that pretty much anyone would be an improvement
Sorry Red. I misunderstood. I'm as disappointed as anyone a striker has not come in. Onwards and hopefully upwards.
Further judging: Edwards, Martin, Phillips. Monotonous copy / paste soundbites: Barnsley CEO, Khaled El-Ahmad added: “We are happy to welcome Adam to Oakwell. “He is a player we have monitored for some time, and we are finally pleased he is here and look forward to seeing him in action on the pitch!” ------------------------------ Barnsley FC Chief Executive Officer, Khaled El-Ahmad, added: “We extend a warm welcome to Tom and are pleased to see him come through the door. “Despite only being 23, Tom represents a player of experience, and we are looking forward to seeing his impact in this Barnsley team.” ------------------------------- Barnsley CEO, Khaled El-Ahmad, was pleased with the acquisition: “We are happy to be able to add Josh to our ranks and he bolsters our options in the attacking positions. “We wish Josh the best of luck during his time here.”
To be fair Andy, 90% of football-related quotes are monotonous soundbites. It extends into punditry too. It's almost locked into our brains as football enthusiasts I think; the cliches, the same old terms and words used to explain a new signing or a game. Even after a 5 a side game i find myself coming out with tired cliches whether we've won or lost to talk about what just was. I think you're being a bit harsh here, personally.
My opinion is based on it being deadline day, one of the main footy calendar days (like it or not). It just looks like someone copied and pasted from an email from Khaled, rather than trying to market it as "look, what about this for a signing lads". It was the same on Twitter. Welcome Adam, welcome Tom ..... none of the pre-prepped hype and videos that we had for Josh the day before. Which makes it look more like last minute, in at all costs. I don't think I am harsh on this occasion. But I welcome your opinion
Depends what his remit was. If it was to take the heat/flack away from the owners then he’s been pretty successful.
Fair do's mate. I get that to be fair, but stand by my comments that the world of football is full of soundbites and cliches. As you say, maybe they rushed them through the door and Khaled pinged a couple of emails over. But I'm sure a lot of CEOs do similar on TDD.