Ah, but if you listen to my daughter, mate, she'll tell you I don't believe in anything! As well as this particular subject, I don't believe that UFO's are alien spaceships, ghosts, ancient aliens, ley lines, the Loch Ness Monster and compassionate Tories.
Bothered, not really, is it true, is it a lie, i could'nt care less either way, i'd rather the wasted money be spent on protecting what we av here on Earth.
It doesn't require belief because it's a fact. Facts don't care about feelings they just are. Not a single bit of evidence exists that shows it was faked.
Of course we've been on the moon. It's only about a mile up in the sky hanging by a big hook to make our flat earth appear natural
What about Santa? You do believe in Santa right? I mean you have to believe in Santa otherwise how come his feckin reindeer were singing Christmas carols in a garden centre in Cheshire last week? I kid you not.
Discussed this topic this afternoon, funnily enough. It seems a lot of those conspiracy theories emanated from Russia, who were a bit peeved
6'4" and fifteen stone so I can give you a run for your money. I tell you what though we'd make a formidable if slightly immobile centre back pairing!
There's plenty of 'evidence' that photographs were staged.. regardless if they actually went there. It was where the conspiracy begins..
Do you remember this space conspiracy theory/cover up film from the 70s? Worth watching .... if only cos it's quite good and exciting !!!!!