A Tory won't be replacing her, only 2 yrs an a new properly elected Prime Minister with a yellow tie on will replace her.
I can't comprehend how fècking evil the child of immigrants has to be to be hell bent on stopping immigration at all costs. To be willing to break international law at all turns, to propose drowning children, to spend millions if not billions forcing people onto flights across the world to be dropped off in a country with an appalling human rights record, and to do it all with a sick smirk on her face. Even her resignation letter devotes a couple of paragraphs to it the evil piece of scum. I just hope and pray that someone finds a loophole that makes her citizenship illegal and she gets thrown on to one of her own flights.
Except if Braverman gets it, she appears to be even worse than Vacant. Just as racist and reactionary, even more stupid.
Imagine re-producing the opening resignation sketch from Smashy & Nicey but in the highest office of the land? What an absolute bell drop she is, sacked for having private meetings with foreign powers and named as a bully and now this, never mind her actual "policies".
Should we be sad that she is more stupid and racist? Or happy, because she'll fail miserably in everything she tries?