Major Gin producers in cornwall are distancing themselves and these 2 are also denying the connection lol. Farage wont name the producers fearing left wing reprisals. George and Angela Malde, 69 and 72, sound very much like the couple Farage is talking about. They produce gin at their home near Camelford and have a spring in their garden. They also, it turns out, have a recent photograph of themselves with Farage, taken at nearby Camelot Castle Hotel in Tintagel, pinned to the wall of their shed/shop. George Malde retweeted Farage’s PR bumf, and when the Guardian visited on Monday, accepted that the flavours, colours and shape of their bottles were very similar to Farage’s. He also admitted that he and his wife were friends with Farage. The Maldes have a colourful past. Before making gin, they used to own racehorses, and in 2001 were fined after a trading standards investigation into counterfeit goods.
To be fair his presentation is very good very relaxed....he wouldn't be out of place on the TV shopping channels best place for him lol