Dont know for definate but Ive come across a couple from 1950s, three at the end of the 60s and the Who's Who given away at Christmas 1981. Can you add any to that.
That’s all I’m aware of too. Although I thought I bought the Who’s Who, rather than it being given away. I can’t get to it to check though. Really must tidy the house!
I have that also. Contains a review of 1898-99 (our first Football League season) with a few guesses to make the figures line up.
From what I've seen.. there's a 51/52 book, 55/56, 67/68 up to 70/71 and the 75/76 one. Surely they had a continuation from the 50's? Deffo thinking of collecting them lol
It looks like him but I’m not sure he was here same time as Butler but could easily be wrong about that tbh .
Price was with us 74-78 according to wiki so I think it is him. 28 goals in 78 games, none too shabby. Suffered from a fair few injuries I think too. Joined the police when he retired from football. Remember him on match duty sometimes.
Yeah I think you’re right It’s funny how at the time I was thinking how old he looks and at present thinking how young he looked
They are exactly the same. Theres a section on how to take apart a winning team step by step. Under the heading how to build a successful team it just says perform the same tasks in reverse order.
I always thought Price was chunkier; but then again that was through the eyes of a 10 year old! Cracking pic of Micky Butler though.. what a lad!
And here’s a treat. The players rules from the distant past. Don’t ask me how distant, because I’ve forgotten [Dave, I know I’ve shown you this in the past - did we determine the date?]. Have a read of the rules though, right to the last one, and imagine giving them to the players of today!