Let's all pray that our wonderful queen gets well soon. A great asset to this country and a the face of Great Britain .
I’m both a republican and and atheist though if Ronnie gets Ill again I could break the prayer mat out
I'm a anti-royalist atheist, I don't pray to a non-existent deity and I don't doff my cap to outdated institutions either.
Don’t think I’ve ever read that on here. However; as befits intelligent working class folk, there’s plenty of atheists and republicans
I’m an non-royalist but can appreciate and admire the qualities of Queen Elizabeth II and shall mourn her passing when the sad day comes. It would be my preference to bypass Charles for William.
I'm no Royalist, by any stretch. No one person has more value than another, certainly not by virtue of birth. & bloodsports aside, they haven't done that much to offend me. The subservient sycophants however, make me vomit. But then so do most people. That woman was never meant to be Queen, but she got on with it. I sort of respect that..
I'm another atheist and anti royalist so no prayer for a invisible man in the Sky to save her here. However despite all that I do respect her and wish her well.
I think the status quo prevailed as king and abdicator as far as heirs are concerned , unless they adopted