Not really the queen was held in high regard by many people of diffrent race in england and in other commonwealth countries. Very hypocritical from a man who has been convicted of race crimes
i wouldn’t have said it now but but don’t you think it was ok for racial discrimination to not be be illegal until 1965?
Didn't those boots walk on the grass at Wembley while representing England and offer Trevor Sinclair the opportunity to become a very rich man, simply by playing football? There's no denying the racist past of our country. And we can't claim it has completely gone away. But I question the target and timing of this message and I would be surprised if the majority of black and brown British people were in agreement.
do you think that 1981 British Semans nationality act shouidn’nt be discussed? Again timing is wrong?
don’t you think it’s reasonable to discuss the impact of the 1925 coloured aliens act is worthy of discussion. Again I don’t defend the timing.
All are worthy of discussion and there should be a time where these things should be discussed more. Now is it the time…. One point in the law argument though. The laws you refer to (and all since) were brought in by parliament under a mandate by the British people following an election. The Royal family have no power to make laws and haven’t for hundreds of years. They have to give Royal Assent to any law raised in Parliament but this is just a token process (last time a law was rejected was in the 1700’s I think). Laws around social justice change as society changes. As generations pass the things that were deemed acceptable change and laws are passed to reflect that. The Royal Family really have no role to play in that.
That’s fair but when you are the figurehead of a nation you are the figurehead and aren’t powerless. You can for example speak out about racism in an apolitical way.
Second time I’ve seen that reference. Not sure I get it tbh. As far as I can see, on this and other threads, everyone is sharing their view without censorship. How is that ‘a bit North Korean’?
I think it refers to when anyone posts anything remotely negative, they are immediately shot down and piled on like Redstone was yesterday. And usually its from the Freedom Of Speech mob also, which is rather amusing.
I know Trev reasonably well through work; genuinely decent bloke, puts a lot back into the game away from his media stuff. Don't know what the fu¢k he was thinking when he tweeted that though Not sure any broadcaster will go near him...
A genuinely decent bloke? Is he not a convicted racist? Convicted drunk driver? A public public urinater? A man convicted of criminal damage? A man who made up a false allegation of racism against himself? Oh aye, top bloke.