He's a racist mate. And you pulling up examples of undoubted injustices committed 100 years ago as some sort of justification simply make you an apologist for racism, I'm afraid.
Genuine question to those who know more than me. This tweet refers to the evil she did, presumably towards Colonies etc. I get the reference to how colonies were treated in days gone by in terms of slavery etc but are these colonies still treated by our Govt etc in a way that modern society shouldn’t accept?
I know the queen in held in high regard im west Indian and african countries. Sinclair comments are just his opinion the opinion of a racist himself.
Nothing to do with censorship, more attitude and behaviour in light of events. Of course I'm being somewhat flippant, but still.....
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/s...deal-matter-Trevor-Sinclairs-tweet-Queen.html Suspended. Firing will follow.
he has a point that the Queen oversaw a country that systematically brutalised enslaved and stole from many countries. Now isn’t the right time to raise it but his essential point is correct. Unless you think people of colour should be greatful for that. He is also entitled to his opinion not snowflakes trying to shut him up.
I hardly think the failure to eradicate racism is the fault of the Queen. He's got not point whatsoever and has made himself look a right tool.
It’s not her per se but in the name of the Crown. Everything done Politically or military is done in the name of the Crown from Massacres and land grabs to humanitarian aid and rescues . It’s in the name of the Crown,
Setting the bar so high that it's "not her fault she didn't eradicate racism" is a pretty sure way of avoiding any blame. She was Head of the Commonwealth. No?