Very dissapointing and short sighted in my opinion' easy to let the heart rule the head in these situations..
Lot of people not happy. Would be interesting to know how many of those are genuinely impacted by wider issues being mentioned, and how many are just pi$$ed off cos they were looking forward to the match. Which is very different. Obviously no way of knowing that like. Speaking very selfishly, it’s an extra few days to try and get cadden and benson back, and more fitness into norwood. It’s not all bad.
My reasons for thinking it are 1..the queen was a massive sports fan especially racing .2..we're in a cost of living crisis and there will be hundreds of people depending on being paid literally to put food on the table ..3.what better way for the masses to publicly show their respect than having a rendition of god save the queen at every venue..
Even more surprising when the decisions been left to the bodies. Fixture pile up in a World Cup year. Everybody has to fall over themselves to be seen to be doing the right thing. Mindless hollow decision.
How is not doing your job showing respect? Being a sportsperson is a job, everyone has bills to pay. Imagine phoning up Eon and saying "I haven't got any actual money but would you accept respect as a form of payment"
Im not too upset about it as I fully expected it but it still lacks reason to me. Minutes silences and black armbands yes. Clear all the schedules the day of the funeral yes. But all weekend? I don't get it.
Wednesday fans already in Plymouth. Team had set off. A few weekenders booked down there. I’m not sure what it achieves when other “entertainments” go ahead. Perfectly possible to pay respects at the games.
Even children grass roots not playing this weekend but racing can go ahead at Doncaster a sport she was closely associated with. Why things can't go ahead and be left to personal choice as to you want to attend is beyond me.
Incidentally, I will be playing Walking Football for England Walking Football this weekend. Our Governing Body has decided that in view of players travelling from Wales, Ireland, Isle of Man and Peru (!), it would be wrong to postpone (especially as travel is self funded). I’m sure it will be a very emotional, and strange, (singing “God Save the King”) National Anthem. We will be paying our respects appropriately. Black armbands, minute’s silence, and hopefully a win for England. I think it’s the right decision.
Crickets and rugby league to resume on Saturday this is madness knee jerk reaction from the football authorities needs a rethink but it won't happen.
Strange decision, given they may be forced to postpone games next weekend if that is when the funeral will be.
The Racing cancelled at Doncaster has a huge knock on a effect on for Barnsley hospitality industry Many of the racegoers come back and go into the town centre for a few/drink night out its one of the busiest nights of the year plus taxi's ,takeaways etc now nobody will be going out Saturday night to get up early to get ready for the early start (they had added more races Sunday) its the last thing it needs at the moment.
I’ve tickets for the Lamproom tomorrow night. No notification that it’s been cancelled. Cricket will resume from Saturday. Rugby (both codes) resumes Saturday. Where’s the consistency?
Just seen on Twitter a letter to referee's in 1952 when the king died boys football ( now grassroots) went ahead with a minute's silence before kickoff shows how poor a decision they made.