Probably a bit too avant-garde for me. Certainly too much negative space. I didn't dislike it but it didn't grab me either. It did, however, make me want to listen to Birthday again and just fall into that song.
And now I'm listening to O Superman by Laurie Anderson, which I love, so it clearly influenced me. I've no doubt I'll be putting The Kick Inside by Kate Bush on next. Here come the Planes
Enjoyed that. Great visuals, I liked the arrangement and some of the lyrics are pretty cool. ‘Hope is a muscle’ - especially that line.
Sorry, but it just sounds like a lass who's got shipwrecked on a Friday night round Tarn rampaging around Peel Square. It is absolutely bonkers. Emperor's New Clothes, and all that. But heigh-ho! Music's all subjective, isn't it?
I'm in my mid-50s and often thought if I was 18 what would I be listening to these days - because there's probably only been about one band in any one year that interested me, but now it feels different. It seems that over the last couple of years there's been a resurgence of more interesting music, at least to my ears anyway, like Wet Leg, The Chats, Idles, Dry Cleaning, First Aid Kit, etc. Or perhaps I've not been paying enough attention.
Black Country New Road, Squid, Bug Club, Melin Melyn, Benefits, Orielles, Cool Greenhouse, Jockstrap, Robocobra Quartet, Grave Goods, Laundromat, Amyl & The Sniffers, M(h)aol, Viagra Boys…list goes on. Outstanding burst of music right now, if you’re interested I’m 48 and I’m as excited about new music as I think I’ve ever been.
Each to their own in the music world. But I can think of other words. Awesome wouldn't have been the one.
She's spent a career trying to be avante garde, bizarre. She succeeds but it ain't music and I defy anyone to go and watch a gig filled with that.
My favourite artiste. Who sang the original..Orbison and others covered it. .