No debate, no discussion, no referendum. Just imposed the latest English Royal on Wales. And somehow expecting Welsh people to just be cool with it. Or not giving a fk whether they are or not?
People will tell you with a straight face that the royal family don’t have any real power, honestly talk about drinking the cool aid.
Err. It is what it is. I'm no Royalist and certainly, latterly no waver of the the English flag, but that is the way of things. Not sure what you'd expect TBH.
As others have said not sure what you expect. I'm sure it would have been "pegged up" somewhere that this would happen.
The heir apparent traditionally becomes the Prince of Wales and if / when there is an investiture the Welsh will love it.
The last three days have demonstrated how much large chunks of the population value stability and tradition. I may not. You may not. But large chunks of the population do. And after three years of Boris, and the now partially mitigated energy price scare, I think I can see why they would.
do you genuinely think the hereditary appointment of the Prince of Wales was based on a sense of Welsh people wanting stability?
No, it was based on the fact that the heir to the throne becomes the Prince of Wales, twas ever thus, it's not a surprise, whilst we have a monarchy it won't change. Not worth getting aeriated about, it's the system we live in.
Point is York didn’t vote for Andrew, Cambridge didn’t vote for whoever they got and Wales didn’t vote for William. There’s a pattern
Usual Tone Deaf behaviour by the Establishment. He's been a Prince since birth,why prolong this out of date nonsense? Wouldn't it be better in the 21st Century to have a elected Head of State, who had responsibilities and was accountable, rather than these people?
Given that the Prince of Wales is always going to be a royal and, traditionally the heir to the throne, I don't get your issue. It's not going to change the views of a single Welsh person. The ones who support the use of the title will be ok with it and the ones who don't want anything to do with the monarchy won't. Going forward we can all have views on the value of a monarchy or not and whether it should modernise or be abolished. But the identity of the Prince of Wales has got bugger all relevance as far as I can see.
I personally don't think 'it's always been like that' is always a good enough position. things change. there are lots of things that 'always used to happen', that people decided really ought to stop.
Wales is a small part of the United Kingdom. The UK as a whole value the monarchy and the current system. If there was a referendum on the monarchy, I have no doubt it would be overwhelmingly reaffirmed. That is notwithstanding the fact that my sympathies would probably tend towards republican.
I’d say yea, if every republic all over the world didn’t elect the likes of Trump, Putin, Bolsonaro etc etc