still a bit cryptic for my simple brain mate. sorry, genuinely not being pokey. I'm just not getting your point, or what this pattern is
Always been contentious. It was actually a title given to the reigning Welsh monarch up until the early 14th C, when Edward 1st bullied his way in & gave the title to his useless first son, then just passed to the English heir ever since. Oddly enough, I think the Welsh were quite fond of Diana. It's borrocks & there's a petition up now to wipe it out. Or else, how would poor Wills know who to cheer for in the World Cup? Poor sausage..
An elected Head of State like Trump or Biden? Someone who further polarises society? We need someone who can be seen as impartial politically and act as a unifying force. I'm happy enough with getting rid of the monarchy if that's what the majority want but finding an ideal system to replace them is fraught with difficulties. Who would be eligible to be Head of State? Who would nominate them? Who would elect them? How would you ensure there's no political, monetary, vested interest influence in the process?
aaaargh! Remembering Owain Glyndwr....... ....the people of Wales I know will not want an Investiture of an English Prince on the soil of Cymru- absolutely not. In fact I think there would be so much opposition from the normally law-abiding Taffs it will not even be considered. However there may be a move to challenge the notion of Prince of Wales being a hereditary title. I think the general attitude of the Cymry towards the Royal family is one of indifference. (Cymru - Wales . Cymry - The people of Wales.)
to clarify, I wasn't for one second suggesting a British referendum on whether the Prince of Wales should stay. it's very obvious how that would go. I'm talking about having a timely conversation with Welsh people, and getting their thoughts on it, as opposed to just imposing the next English Heir with zero discussion.
I like to see myself as a relatively intelligent person but I can honestly say I’ve got absolutely no ******* idea what the point is in this thread and especially the OP. Those that are royalists in Wales will love that they’ve immediately had a new prince anointed - those that aren’t won’t give a flying ****. Similarly, those in Cambridge, the dukedom he had and retains, as well now as Cornwall and Rothesay, amongst other places presumably, will either welcome him as Duke or not care. I honestly don’t think anyone would want to vote for a royal family member to represent them. Who would you want? I can just see it now. HRH Prince Louis of Wales, Duke of Doncaster. Or Lillibet Mountbatten-Windsor (possibly to change to HRH Princess Lillibet of Sussex as Harry’s kids are entitled to the title now), Baroness Barnsley… I can’t imagine there being too many people worried about the appointment regardless.
And I may well agree with u, but a few days after the longest reigning monarch ever dies, probably ain't the time that anythings gonna change.
Does it make much difference? I mean if you go to the East Coast, the Earl of Scarbrough has very little bearing on your activities, does he?
to clarify then, the point of the thread is I personally don't agree that in 2022, an English PoW should just automatically be appointed, without at least a discussion with the people of Wales. you may totally disagree with that opinion, but I thought the point was pretty clear. so hopefully that clarifies the point of the thread.
interesting point. arguably the ideal time. alternatively, when is the right time? again, fwiw I agree, I don't think it will change any time soon. that's the thing I'm challenging.
you're right - o lot of the Cymry I know will not acknowledge William as a 'Prince of Wales' and will never refer to anyone as 'Prince of Wales.' ...and is there anything more patronising than when Charles and now William try to say a few words in Welsh to prove their Welshness an dyou can't understand a word they say.
The recent voting record of the people of this country is a great argument in favour of hereditary rule.