Watching coverage on the news and taking on board how i feel about the loss of our Queen and the comments i have read on this forum, i cant without losing any self respect remain a poster on the BBS. I have read some lovely comments and posts on here by some really good posters who I would have love to have met in person but unfortunately some stuff thats been allowed to be posted makes this a place I cant participate in anymore. RIP our Queen and come on you reds.
Sorry, but if you believe anything posted is inappropriate or in very bad taste you should bring it to the attention of Admin. Read plenty but Obviously I’ve not read everything but not seen anything ‘untoward’
Hang in there mate. People have different opinions which is fine but maybe they should express them with a bit more dignity. Interesting to note that there were people of many different nationalities paying their respects yesterday. Yes there have been mistakes in the past and big ones at that but the modern Royals from the King down seem to be trying to change this in the main
I'm quite enjoying the road trip, lovely scenery. British history is a fascinating subject, but the more you learn, the harder it becomes to ignore the appalling atrocities this country and it's monarchs have inflicted on the world and it's own people. Issues that most people are either sadly ignorant to, or in denial.. There will soon be a time to face up to this guilt & shame, but this isn't it..
Trying to lighten this thread without being insensitive.... Given the late Queens penchant for hats, given how many different ones she appeared in over the years, I wonder if her passing, combined with the economic downturn will be a 'double whammy' for the millinery trade. Oh and... The wisdom, or otherwise, of Visiting the sins of the fathers' ...etc. is highly debatable, but as you say it not really the time or place to bring it up...and chose to.
know where you are coming from, I’m not a royalist but had great respect for the Queen and the job she did. Some of the diatribe that’s appeared on here you have to just ignore, it’s a waste of time arguing. Maybe the definition of ‘respect ‘ has changed in recent years and I missed it!
I didn't say that at all. I consciously raised a broad issue, that at some point (not the present moment) must be addressed & accounted for by the British state & government.. It's a statement of opinion, (in context to the comments duntpasstome is alluding to) not an invitation for debate. Sorry about the confusion, but do try to read more closely before responding? It leads to all kinds of nonsense. Re hats. I dearly hope that the perverse penchant for wearing a dead bear on your head, has died along with her Maj..
Total agree, I'm of a similar feeling and it's not just at this time there is a minority on here who continually pedal their hatred and shoehorn it into post posts on any given topic, I've read less and less and posted even lesser over the last 3 or 4 years as the BBS has become a far less nicer place. As someone else suggested contact admin but there's no point because barring a couple of admin who do genuinely seem to be level headed and respectful of others views Farnham springs to mind then most of the rest are part of the problem. So like you I'll continue to visit less frequently if at all, because at end of the day there's far far more to life than this. Take care duntpasstome and others like us RiP Her Majesty
We can agree on that. in this more, supposedly, enlightened age using dead animal skin as headwear is totally unneccessary especially as modern synthetic materials can do the job just as well. Bit of a 'Boo-boo' in terms of PR (see what I did there)
Why don’t you try to be enthused to participate more by the posts you did like, rather than allowing the negative ones to prevail?
I'm melancholy about the Queen dying and we, for certain, won't see anything or anyone like her ever again. But being offended on behalf of someone you've never met, who will never have known you've existed and wouldn't care about you even if they did know is a bit weird.
what do you mean by "stuff that's allowed to be posted", out of interest? I haven't seen anything personally, that would warrant being deleted. couple of comments that could have been timed better, but from what I've seen, pretty much everyone has been respectful. there are millions of people who are not royalist, with very valid reasons for that.
You do the right thing quitting the BBS. It's no good for the health of anyone if they cannot accept opinions different to their own. Put yourself first.
Everyone has a right to their views if you don't like them then just ignore them I think you have got too emotional If I was you I would take a rest from this site for a week or two.