He became a real man did big Gerry lol, when he came to Burnsley taarn, and I think he liked the odd drink or ten.
Spent quite a few late nights early Sunday Morning in there ,taxi back to Dodeth as he continued on to Cubley. He still performed on the field., quite frightening what he could have acheived if he stayed off the Guiness. A little bit like Tony Adams.
Bizarre, I just found my ooh Gerry gerry t shirt in the loft yesterday when I was looking for another old t shirt.....
Known him a bit since he moved to Penistone when he joined but saving stories for Garrison rather than watch these videos. Heard a few before no doubt
Ran a pub called Wortley Mens Club on a couple of accasions, he used to come in Regular, and signed a few bits an pieces for me, lovely fella, nice place to visit but its definately a locals pub, for local people, Sunday's are really busy an they do a Cheese platter, theres a pub of sorts next door that does food, but i cant remember what they called it, i think it was Wortley Arms.
Remember the 2-1 win at Leeds when he stayed on the pitch 10 minutes after the rest of the team went off and the Reds fans chanting “Ooh Gerry Gerry” whilst Tags danced with his bandaged arm/wrist.
The best atmosphere at an away match that I've ever been in. Can you remember the tackle that Tags put in on Mel Sterland that sent him over the advertisement boards and perimeter wall. I think Sterland thought he was going to "Old-man" Taggart and he ended up just bouncing off him.
If he wasn’t in the hotel bar or the nightclub, he was in the kebab shop at the bottom of the regent street s pedestrian area…