I imagine the theory is if they had faked all 6 moon landings then the Russians(Soviets) would have called them out at the time. Given the scale of the deception necessary you would think would have at least hinted at it.
Of course the moon landings were faked. Stanley Kubrick has admitted to filming the footage for NASA and Buzz Aldrin has openly admitted on numerous occasions that he never went to the moon. Then there is the Wikileaks moon landing outtake footage filmed in the Nevada desert. Do people honestly believe that President Nixon made a phonecall to the moon from the Oval Office in the White House in real time using an old analogue telephone? https://www.bitchute.com/video/bjNfcHlaFVjY/ https://www.bitchute.com/video/Ff39xKIDTAIr/ https://www.bitchute.com/video/HBagDQeyW9uB/ https://www.bitchute.com/video/RnmqrYiBbaoU/
Hey Churton... Go on, live a little.... Watch the videos and debunk them. I love a good old fashioned debate. When we've finished with the fake moon landings we could move on to discussing another fascinating topic like the '9/11 terrorist attacks/inside job' , 'Flat Earth' or perhaps something a bit lighter like' Elvis is still alive and well'. Whatever takes your fancy old chap!
The pure scale of it is the thing. If it were fake, all anybody has ever had to do to call it out is find one of the many thousands of people involved and just pay them enough money. And we're talking about the Soviet Union at the absolute peak of their power here. If there was any chance at all of the moon landings being faked then they'd have been on it faster than you could say Sputnik.
Ok then, let's do this in order. Video 1. The interview with 'stanley Kubrick' was filmed, according to the filmmakers who leaked the video, AFTER Stanley Kubrick died. In the longer, uncut video he calls Stanley "Tom" and tells him what to say next. Probably because it's an actor called Tom. Oh and it doesn't sound like Stanley Kubrick either. So apart from it not sounding like him, being a bloke called Tom and being filmed after he'd died I'd say you're right, this is cast iron evidence. Video 2. The girl asks why we haven't been back and in reply Buzz Aldrin was clearly referring to why we haven't been back. Anyone with an ounce of intelligence can see that. Video 3. Yeah that's a fake video. It shows real footage and behind the scenes footage from the Hollywood movie Capricorn one. It is like me making a video that shows a 5 second clip of Geoff Hurst scoring in 1966 followed by a clip of Mike Bassett telling Benson and hedges to come on and saying it's proof that the 1966 world cup was fake. Video 4. Nixon didn't call the moon directly did he you berk. He called Houston and funnily enough they had a way of speaking to the astronauts. It kinda helps to be able to do that. All they did was route his phone call into their system.it really is as simply as that. 1/10 must try harder
Bravo ST... I like it!! There you go Churton... SuperDuperTyke is showing you how to play the game properly instead of just taking your bat and ball home! (We both know I was just playing the little boy who cried wolf though, eh SuperT? ) What topic do you fancy doing next Supey??
Have the Russians ever landed on the Moon or did they give up once the yanks had done it? Didn't the Russians send probes to Venus?
An entertaining video from an expert in film explaining why, in 1969, it would have been impossible, or at the very least,prohibitively expensive to fake the landing than the actual landing itself..... Anyone who claims it was all a hoax needs to stock up on ...
EDIT TO ABOVE: The creator of the video in the last couple of minutes, gives a succinct explanation of why he felt his video was important in the context of conspiracy theories in general. His reasoning is just as valid now, considering all that is going on in the World, as it was when he made it several years ago.